9:00AM TO 12:00PM
Big Brother wakes up the house guests.
Arlie tells the house guests in the bedroom that Big Brother gave them jackets to wear in the hot tub area. He tells them that the jackets can’t be brought inside. Kenny and Jon head out to the hot tub room to check out the jackets.
They realize that they’re not the jackets they brought in but jackets Big Brother bought for them.
They head back inside.
Jon asks the possibility of this being What a plaid challenge.
Kenny says maybe they can drowned Ika and adds to tell Jon "You know what I mean".
Jon says how at first when he saw all the plaid jackets and thought that everyone brought in a plaid jacket.
Arlie, Andrew, Jon and Kenny are chatting on living room couches chatting.
Arlie says that girls diddle themselves to Kenny in magazines.
Kenny replies that he hopes so and adds that it would be awesome.Kenny then talks about the death look she gave to Ika when she came to the bedroom last night
Arlie asks what exactly what was the look. Kenny does his angry death stare.
Andrew says Ika’s not diddling her meat to that look! Kenny says she probably is hateful feelings
Sarah tells Ika that she is not mad that Ika shredded their letters and adds that this is just human to human.
Ika replies that she was not laughing at their families but says that it was what they deserve for putting her up.
Andrew says that after last night, he knows that he is now being portrayed as the villian.
Rachelle talks about how they were all cast to be like past house guests.
Rachelle also says that she is not like Jillian and says that Jillian was boring.
Andrew is trying to know if he shares character with Tom.
They joke that Andrew was cast as the Gary of the season.
Jon starts touching himself and says he has a little tiny p*n!s this morning!
Adel joins Ika in the bathroom.
IKA says I am a Tsunami! Tsunami IKA COMING THROUGH!
Adel says B***H you are a Tsunami! Ika tells Adel that she should give him a $1000. She tells him that he should get paid just for hanging out with her.
Adel tells Ika not say what she said and tells her to say she is kidding.
Ika replies that she is actually kidding.
Adel replies that she never know.
Ika tells Adel to keep fighting like Mike Tyson!
Adel then says that he is going to bite someone’s ear off!
Ika then says that Adel is Mike tyson before the tattoo.
Adel tells Ika that Neda came to him and told her how she’s f**ked. He goes on and tells Ika about how Neda said the girls ignored her when she showered in the HOH room.
Ika tells Adel that he’s like the plague.
Adel replies that if they put Neda on the block, he will have to build a fort.He tells Ika that if Rachelle says anything to Ika to be spicy then tell her that she swore on her little brother that she wouldn’t put up a girl.
Ika says the only thing that people can say about her is that she is a b***h! But at least she kept it real. Ika goes on to say that she does not care how people saw her on tv.
Adel says most people would have shred those letters.
Andrew, Rachelle, Sabrina and Allison are talking about Ika telling Andrew how last night during the blow up fight that she didn’t want to eat his nose picking food. Rachelle comments that she picks her nose.
Sabrina and Allison both say that they pick their nose too.
Sabrina says I have a scab in my nose that’s been there since I was young.
Andrew accept to also pick his nose and he says well maybe I will need to pay a little more attention to that.
Andrew and Kenny talk about how the fame they get from being on Big Brother is short lived.
Kenny says it has a 1 year expiry and adds that next year there will be a new cast and they will all be forgotten about.
Andrew talks about wanting to capitalize on it.
The cams switch to Jon and Sarah sitting by the pool.
Arlie tells her they should have an alliance just the two of them and adds that they can go into the diary room and laugh it up.
Sarah agrees.
Arlie starts talking about how he wanted to play the single guy coming into the house but the first day found out 5 of the girls were taken. He says he really wanted to play up the single guy but had to play the nun instead. He starts talking about his ex-girlfriend. He starts describing her big blue eyes, perfect lips, 5’2″, tight body and nice big t!t$.
Sarah laughs and asks Arlie if he still loves her.
Arlie replies that he still does love her then stops himself and says oh ah! Sarah laughs.
Arlie then says thathe realizes how Jon says it.
They both laugh.
The cams switch back to Andrew and Kenny working out.
Kenny is using the band to work out when all of a sudden it breaks and whips his arm. He yells out and then he says f**k me sideways. He then says that Ika probably cut it.
Sabrina is colouring Rachelle’s hair.
They talk about getting acting opportunities when they get out.
Sabrina says that she thinks she’ll get lots because she’s done it before and because shes the only one from Montréal.
Rachelle says that she hope to get a commercial or something.
Neda joins them and they talk about the fight last night.
Sabrina comments how Ika kicked her letter last night.
Neda then says that she could not believe Ika started throwing out her name. She says she told her to stop saying her name.
Neda is also pissed that Ika was telling the others during the fight that Neda had told her she was going up before it happened. Neda denies ever telling Ika she was going up and didn’t even know for sure. She says that she only talked to her after she was already up.
Sabrina and the other girls are trying to convince Jon to let Sabrina cut his hair.
Jon is really nervous and unsure about it. He says that he needs to go ask Kenny.
Sabrina says he’ll say no because he won’t want you to look better than him.
Jon goes to ask Kenny and he tells him to do it.He then asks if Sabrina is really a hair dresser.
Kenny says yeah.
Jon says Adel says he’s an inventor and I’ve never heard of t2t before.
Kenny tells him to do it.
Jon says okay I’m doing it. He runs inside and says he’s getting a hair cut. He says this is going to look stupid! Jon heads into the HOH room for Sabrina to cut his hair.
Sabrina can’t get the attachment off the clipper.
Jon says this isn’t a good start! Are you sure you know how to do this? Jon is still nervous. Are you sure this is going to look cool??
Sabrina finishes his hair cut and tells him that he is going to get lots of modeling jobs when he gets out.
All the girls tell him he looks so good!
The nose picking clique. Rachelle, Sabrina and Allison tell Andrew that they also pick their noses as they talk about IKA
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