BBCAN updates:Ika says if they bring in Alec and Peter into the house I would leave the room. Bootleg copy of Dr. Will.

ika111:00am: Up in the HOH room

Jon, Ika, Neda and Heather are talking about how a couple nights ago Paul came up to Jon and said now that I know what I know, it’s on boy!

Jon says I just don’t know why Paul would say it to me.

Ika says that she doesn’t think Paul was specifically meaning Jon but more the boys. Ika tries to down play it and says she doesn’t think Adel told him about the power.

Neda and Ika head to the HOH bathroom.

Heather and Jon leave the HOH room.

Ika tells Neda that she trusts Adel.

Neda says that she does too.

Heather then joins them again.

They start talking about Big Brother Canada 1 and how Gary came back into the game.

Neda says that she doesn’t agree with Gary coming back into the game that late in the game especially after he went to the jury. She says it wasn’t right that he wasn’t sequestered.

Ika starts talking about Topaz and how she doesn’t like her.

Neda asks if a BBUS house guest would come into the house like Dan did last year, who would you want. Heather and Ika says Rachel Riley.

Ika says if they bring in Alec and Peter into the house I would leave the room. Bootleg copy of Dr. Will.

11:40pm: In the main bedroom most of the house guests are cleaning and organizing the room.

12:00pm:  The bedroom is looking better but unfortunately by later tonight it will probably be trashed again.. All of the house guests are pitching in to clean the whole house.

12:55pm:  In the havenot room

Paul tells Adel that he doesn’t really believe what Adel's  got because of the questions he was asked in the diary room. Adel shows Paul the veto ticket.

Paul asks to see the back of it and Adel shows him the back and says it doesn’t say nothing. Its for me only to know what it is. Adel says that he is going to tell the guys after the next veto about his power to be able to replace the nominations. He says he will tell them if they don’t put me up then I won’t put them up as a replacement.

Paul asks so you can’t use it to play in the veto? Adel says no, I lied to you to see if I could trust you! To see if you would go blab it all over the house!

1:15pm: Adel heads out to the hot tub room and practices his speech he plans to give to the guys to try and keep them from putting him up on the block.
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