Ika – If we got rid of Kenny we’re taking away the glue that keeps them together (BBCAN update)
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5:00PM TO 9:00PM
Ika is talking to Paul telling him that he has a possibility of survival of which Paul tells her that that she is doing it for herself not him.
Ika reply that it's best for the both of them and Adel and she adds that she is not doing the girls dirty work.
Ika goes on to say that he needs paul around.Paul replys saying that he is doing nothing and is not going to talk to anyone and insists that she only wants him around for her game not his.
Neda,Ika and Rachelle are talking about guys and Sabrinsa says that Andrew is treating her bad because she does not want to vote out Paul.Ika regrets for not putting up the boys because of the way they are behaving.they all head down stairs.
Ika joins Jon by the pool and tells him how Andrew is acting in a disgusting way and also adds that they should flush out Adel's powers.
Sabrina is asking Allison different personality disorder questions. Rachelle is answering some of the questions as the other houseguests are trying to sleep.
Adel is talking to Ika by the pool at around 6:00pm and Ika tells Adel to the houseguests to swear that he will not use his veto power on them. Ika adds that he should scare them and adel says that he will use it himself when he is on the block.
The houseguests rush into the house thinking there is somethingfor them but find nothing.
Rachelle,Sabrina and Ika go to the HOH room and Ika begins to tell them about the conversation he had with Adel and Sabrina cautions her not to tell Sarah and Neda tosee if he(Adel) is testing to see if she has a big mouth.
Jon mentions "Canada's veto" to Adel who walks out of the HOH room after a few minutes.
Sarah is running through her plan to Kenny in the bed room.
Andrew finds Allison by the pool and tells her what is happening in the house and persuades her to plege her alligiance.Allison is abit confused and says that this is retarded.
Adel tells Jon that he is not telling everyone about his new aquired power and that jon messed up to mention it to him in the HOH room.Adel also lies to Jon that he is not telling Ika Sabrina or anyone else and Jon tells him that he wont talk about it to anyone.
Adel also says that noone has been feeding him with information and brags that if they want to make a big move, he ha the biggest power move in his pocket.
Adel also tells Jon that his injury is a blessing.
Allison is telling Kenny how she is in a bad position espcially since the house is split and her vote is important.
Kenny tells her about her making a big desicion based on little information.
Allison looks at Heather as a bigger threat compared to Paul.
Kenny points out that Heather is more likely to stick to them since all the girls wanted tovote her out.
Allison says that non of the girls has bothered to approach her until today when Ika wanted to know who i was going to vote out.
Kenny defines Ika as a liar and hypocrite who cannot be trusted. He also adds that she was afraid to make a big move due to the fear of the people that would come after her.
Sabrina and Rachelle are counting votes and Rachelle thinks that Ika is in trouble.
They say that the reason that Ika is a target is because of her atitude and character.
They also plan on giving Allison a the backdoor and agree that Neda is useless.
allison is still talking about how she feels that she is in a tough spot and says she will do what is best fr her, her game and future.
Allison tells her that if she joins the girls he will be at the bottom where she wont be if she joins the girls.
Allison is still concerned as to why the girls hav nt got to know her and sarh tells herthat the trust they have for her is in limits.
Sara wonders why the boys are in a rush to get rid of Paul instead of Heather.
Allison says that she does not see Paul winning but she sees Heather has the potential to win.Sarah disagrees and says that Heather is useless.
She also says that she eats so much to the point that her body has changed.
They also talk about Sabrina and how she is partly with the girls and boys.Allison compliments her as a great social player.
Neda and Jon are talking about Ika and how she talked with the girls about giving somebody the back door and how she felt that Andrew was bullying the girls and how she was telling lies about backdooring Andrew.
Neda says the girls would never consider back dooring Andrewand that they are against the new girl.
Arlie and Jon are cool that Jon trusts them and decide to keepi to themselves because of trust issues.
Arlie goes on to ask how much information Jon has passed on to Neda and Jons says that he said he is not the biggest fan of Andrew and Arlie tells him that she is spreading that out.
Arlie also warns Jon to deny incase it ever comes up and say both Neda and Ika are liars
Arlie also says that he is building up a team on which Adel is involved and also exposes his desie to throw out Andrew.
Rachelle is with Allison and asks her who she is going to vote out and Allison says she not yet sure but she wants Heather out
Rachelle tells her that she would have the girls but the boys would then be against her.
Allison does not think that the girls are going to back her up.
Rachelle states that voting out heather will be a sign of trust to the girls.
Arlie is on his own making some moves and wondering if they will work out.
Sabrina entertains houseguests with the faces as she gives out hexes to people around the house who annoy her.It looks like she is not such a bad entertainer because most houseguests are laughing.
Jon is in the bedroom and scare sarah who is coming from the bathroom.
Neda and Ika are talking about getting rid of kenny thus taking away the glue that sticks the group together.She says that Andrew and Jon love Kenny and so he has to go.
Neda tells Ika that Sabrina told her that it is difficult for her to vote out Andrew which worries Ika .
Neda says that Andrew Has been telling a story how he was supposed to be on BBCAN 1.
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