Big Brother Canada Spoilers: 2014 Week 3 Veto Competition

connect with usThe week 3 Power of Veto results are out and we have the Big Brother Canada spoilers for who won! Did one of the eviction nominees manage to grab the prize so they can save themselves from the block? Or will a rogue winner muck up the Head of Household’s plans for the eviction?

On Saturday, the new Head of Household made her nominations for eviction, but she wasn’t entirely happy with who she ended up having to put on the block. Even so, she was desperately hoping that her choices would not end up being changed by the results of the Big Brother Canada Power of Veto Competition.

In the Power of Veto Competition on Saturday night, HoH Ika was hoping that whichever Houseguest won would leave her nominations of Paul and Heather alone. Luckily for her, she managed to take ultimate control of the eviction this week by also winning the Power of Veto. We are pretty sure she will take the safe route and leave her nominations as they are.

So that most likely means that either Paul or Heather will be evicted on Thursday night. From the Big Brother Canada spoilers coming off the Live Feeds, the vote is a bit split at this point. Heather was supposed to be a pawn, or at least that’s how Ika presented it to her. However, she could very well end up going home as the rest of the girls seem to want her out more than Paul.

That would kind of suck for Heather since not only did she think she was going to just be a pawn, but she also injured herself during the PoV Competition and ended up on crutches with a bum knee.

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