9:20am: Big Brother wakes up the house guests.
Up in the HOH room Kenny asks Heather how she’s feeling.
Heather says it only hurts when she tries to move around.
If she’s resting it doesn’t hurt. (Heather fell in the POV competition last night and had to get medical attention. She was given crutches to move around.)
Neda talks to Heather in the HOH room.
Heather says that she has to uses crutches and wants to look cute today for the veto ceremony.
Heather asks if anyone changed their minds while she was gone last night.
Neda says no I don’t think so. Neda tells her to worry about getting better.
Heather says I don’t want to just worry about that and then go home.
Neda tells Heather that the best person to talk to is Jon.
Heather explains that her knee is just bruised and it hurts to walk on it.
She says that they said it would take a week to heal.
Neda says that’s not bad especially since we have a few days of doing absolutely nothing!
Heather agrees. Heather says I’m going to brush my teeth, my mouth feels like a dead animal died!
At least I don’t have to kiss anyone though.
Neda tells Heather about how everyone is pissed at Paul for joking that he was drinking orange juice when it was really mustard water. (The incident happened at 2:15am last night)
Neda says that Paul is just going to continue doing stupid stuff like that.
Heather says that makes her feel better. Heather leaves the HOH room and heads into the bathroom and then the bedroom.
Neda then helps Heather pick out what she should wear for the veto ceremony.
10:35am: IN the living room – Andrew, Jon, Sarah, Kenny, Rachelle, Allison, Sabrina, and Adel are talking about the POV competition last night.
10:45am: Sabrina talks to Sarah in the bathroom.
Sabrina brings up how Allison was with someone for a couple months before she came into the house. She said that she left from his house to come in here.
Sarah tells Sabrina that Kenny told her he is worried about the Allison/Andrew showmance.
Sarah says I trust Andrew to a certain point but if it goes on for a few weeks we might have to get rid of her. Like in a double eviction or something.
Sarah and Sabrina discuss how Allison had a boyfriend coming into the house and now she’s with Andrew.
Sabrina says that Allison told her she doesn’t think the guy she was with would be faithful, so why should I.
10:55am: Sarah heads into the HOH room and talks to Ika about how annoying Heather is.
Ika calls Heather Chucky’s bride. Ika wonders if they’re being too mean.
Sarah says if Heather goes home and some how makes herself better because of it, then I don’t care.
Jon and Arlie join them. Jon starts rocking out to her HOH music.
Meanwhile the girls are in the main bathroom getting ready for the day.
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