3:00PM TO 6:00PM
Kenny is with Sarah and they are talking about Andrew. After awhile of talking game and about Andrew.
Kenny comes out and tells Sarah that he is gay. He says at first I it was a strategic thing. He says that the diary room knows and so does Canada.
Sarah suprised and says but addswith relief that her husband won’t be worried about her being with her with him.
Kenny tells her that he was with girls up until recently. He says it was the hardest thing to hide.
Sarah asks if he is going to tell anyone else.
Kenny says he doesn’t know. He says he needed to tell someone or he was going to die!
Kenny says that he was hiding it because of his ability to woo women.
Sarah asks if he always knew.
Kenny says no but he was always attracted to guys.
Sarah asks about the sex dream that Kenny had and asks if it was about a guy.
Kenny says well he did have a sex dream about a girl in here.
Kenny says that he had a little thing with a married couple awhile ago and he sooner got to know he was gay.
Kenny says that he’s worried about telling other people and them not trusting him. He explains that he was worried Allison would know since she knows someone he knows. He adds that he needs Sarah to help him deal with the situation.
Sarah says she doesn’t know what’s the best thing to do and starts to cry saying that wanted to snuggle with him so bad but didn’t want her husband to see it as something bad. She says she knew a straight boy couldn’t dance like you with all the oil!
Kenny says he knows a way he can tell the others without it hurting his game but he doesn't think the time is right now.
Sarah asks if it should be as surprised as anyone else or what.
Kenny says yes and adds that it should be a surprise because they don't want a target on their backs. He says he wants to tell people but not this week. He adds that he wanted to tell Gordo but he was not sure. Kenny says everything else he has said is true apart from his sexuality.
Sarah questions if others will think look at how far he is willing to go to win.
Kenny agrees and says it is the reason as why he does not want to tell people.
Jon joins them for a second and then leaves.
Sarah begins to ask if Kenny if he likes Jon
Kenny replies oh hell no and says that he likes manly men.
Big Brother opens up the house and all the house guests race inside to see if anything is different. They soon realize the lock down wasn’t for them to get something.
Kenny and Rachelle are in the storage room talking gamme.
Jon and Neda are sitting on the couch.
Neda asks if anyone has ever been pregnant in the big brother house.
They tell her no.
Neda says stop people are going to start believing it!
Jon asks Allison about the Q word and what she hears it being referred to as in Newfoundland. He says that he’s only ever know it to mean weird.
Neda is picking bits of the couch off and writing her name on Jon’s leg.
Jon tells her to stop because she is touching his unmentionables.
Sabrina, Arlie and Adel talk about trying to think up an April fools joke to play on the other house guests.
Adel says what if he gave his veto card to Arlie and he opens up a twistos bag, put it inside and pretend to open it up in front of people yelling that you got a veto ticket!
They decide not to since Andrew might get mad.
Adel says they could wrap ourselves in sheets and not speak to anyone for like half an hour or they could barricade Sabrina in he bedroom and say they told us to leave and tell them she got pandora’s box.
Sabrina asks Andrew if he asked Jon to use the veto on him to sell her out.
Andrew strongly says no.
Sabrina asks what Adel replied when Andrew asked the power to be used on him.
Andrew says he said he wanted to leave Canada’s vote the same. So he told him f**k you and walked away.
Andrew says he has been accused of giving up.
Sabrina asks by who.
Andrew hints that it was big brother and says that it said that he looked defeated.
Andrew says he told them that he isn’t going to campaign against a friend.
Sabrina tells Andrew that he could.
Andrew says maybe it’ll be a double eviction and someone else will be following right after me.
Sabrina assures that the next week it will be for sure.
Neda and JOn are on the stairs. He picks her up and carries her up the stairs. He gets to the top and spins her around.
She starts asking Jon and tells him to put her down.
Jon says I wouldn’t say that! He pretends to almost drop her.
Arlie and Neda are sitting on the chairs outside the bathroom.
Neda comments on how they never talk game.
Arlie says well start.
Both of them laugh and Arlie says well this is weird.
Arlie then runs away.
Andrew and Allison are talking alone.
She asks him if he actually thinks she has something with Jon.
Andrew says he did, but he doesn’t now. Andrew says he was told that Allison and Jon were whispering together to that camera about a “Newfie” alliance.
Allison says she doesn’t believe that happened. She says she would love to see the play back on that.
Andrew says he believe her and it doesn’t affect his game because he is leaving and he is just being honest with her.
Andrew asks about the new “Newfie” alliance?
Allison says not that she knows of.
Andrew tells her that if she wins HOH she should put Jon up.
Allison thinks she got fooled by the fact that he is nice and from Newfoundland but he’s sneaky.
Andrew says he was cut by thinking she was actually working with Jon.
Sarah joins them.
Sarah talks about how she had to leave the living room because Rachelle was stretching in very provocative ways. She says that Rachelle might have as well ripped off her v@gin@ and thrown it at Kenny.
They talk about sex.
Sarah comments on how when you have a family you have to find way to be quiet.
Andrew talks about how his bed at home has straps on each bed post.
Sarah gets up and says she just realized this is a conversation she shouldn’t be a part of and leaves.
Andrew says “Twistos f**ked Andrew in the a$$!” he adds and says “I was violently f**ked in the a$$ by a crispy snack company”.
Kenny joins them and asks what they’re doing.
Allison says “we were just talking about Andrew being f**ked in the a$$ by a crispy snack company.”
Arlie, Neda, Jon, Sarah, Rachelle, Kenny and Heather talk about each their audition process.
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Andrew says “Twistos f**ked Andrew in the a$$!” he adds and says “I was violently f**ked in the a$$ by a crispy snack
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