Sabrina tries to convince Jon to take her off the block.

654Sabrina  tries to convince Jon to take her off the block , she asks  him if he hates her. She asks if he thinks she’s crazy. She asks if he despises her. She thinks it’s bad if people think she is being conniving NOW when she’s not at all.Jon tells  her that Canada see everything  – “Exactly that is why I cannot understand I’m nominated” Sabrina says she’s not playing a crazy hard game like everyone  and she’s nothign but nice in the Diary room. . He says he doesn’t hate her, he just won’t use the veto on her because he knows that Andrew is going so that’s that.  She goes over her fight with Ika and how it made her look like a giant liar to the house. She wonders if she was nominated because people think she’s conniving and he says no, because of her connection to Andrew. ,She starts  to cry ,says she has  no one in the house , Jon tells her she has Rachelle and Kenny . She says she’s being as honest as she can be. Jon says he won’t turn on her. She makes him swear on his family.Jon says he’s probably going to put Adel up if he wins HOH this coming week.

Then later Sabrina talks to Rachelle they both agree  Neda is not to be trusted. Rachelle says she  sees Neda and Jon whispering in the corner all the time. Sabrina doesn’t want Jon, Adel, Neda, And Heather to win the Head of Household. Sabrina tells if they win HOH  theyll put Adel and Heather up.  Rachelle says it sucks Andrew is going home. Sabrina calls Andrew her best guy friend in the house.

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