8:30am: Big Brother wakes up the house guests.
Kenny goes around to all the house guests to give them new batteries for their mics. Kenny comments that last night he was asleep for 3 hours when Big Brother woke them up to tell him the hashtag competition was over. He laughs and says okay.
Jon realizes its St. Patrics Day and starts going around saying Happy St Patrics Day!
Andrew says its against his religion to not drink today.
Arlie says he asked for green hair dye.
Jon says he misses his girlfriend.
Arlie says how about today I pretend to be her.
9:00am: In the bedroom
Kenny talks to Sabrina about how he already talked to Andrew about being in a showmance with Allison. It’s putting a huge target on his back. He’s already a big physical threat and now this.
Kenny says that he told Andrew that showmances are a target and you’re in the only one in the house.
Sabrina tells Kenny that Ika wants to put him up again. She says she talked her out of it but just so he knows.
Kenny says that she is a savage little b***h and I am going to smile when I vote her out and she’s gone.
Kenny heads down to the kitchen and tells Andrew about how Ika wanted to put him (Kenny) up but that Sabrina says she talked her out of it and isn’t going to now.
Sarah asks if there is anything on the living room screens. They tell her the screens say POV Ceremony today.
Kenny tells Andrew not to mention anything about counting things around the girls we don’t want them on the same page.
Sarah and Sabrina join Andrew, Kenny and Arlie.
Andrew says he is making breakfast for the first five that come down. They laugh.
9:25am: In the bedroom
Ika talks to Adel about the Power of Veto ceremony. Ika says that Andrew wants Paul gone. Ika says he said they got rid of Kyle for Kenny. Ika says well this isn’t Kenny’s HOH this is mine. Ika says I am not going to do their dirty work for them.
Adel says I have a good chance at winning this hashtag competition because when my product went viral I got 4.7 million hits. Like a lot of people know this face. If you’re on the block, I won’t even think twice about taking you off!
9:45am: Kenny, Arlie and Jon are sitting on the living room couch. Above them on the tv screens it shows the that POV ceremony is today.
Heather hobbles by them on her way to the kitchen and Arlie comment on how she has such a nice dumper.
Kenny says she has been putting on weight! Like a lot of it. Not that there’s anything wrong with it.
Jon says yeah you can see it in her lower back and face. Jon says all she does is eat. Ice cream & cookies. She doesn’t stop.
Most of the house guests start heading into the main bedroom for the lock down.
10:15am: All the house guests are on the bedroom lockdown except for Ika.
Adel asks what the correct term is for little people? Is it midgets? They tell him no little people is the correct term, midget is the derogatory term.
Heather says yeah don’t call them Chicken Mc’Nuggets.
10:45am: Feeds are blocked for the POV ceremony ..
BBCAN updates:Kenny says that she is a savage little b***h
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