Adel hopes that Canada puts up Sabrina and he also calls her a big liar.

ee19:00AM TO 12:00PM (FRIDAY)

Big Brother wakes up the house guests.
Sabrina tries to continue sleeping but big brother wakes her up. She complains about throwing up last night and says she doesn’t feel good. She asks big brother if she can keep sleeping because she threw up.
Andrew tells Sabrina they’ll want to talk to her in the diary room.
Sabrina gets up to go to the diary room.

The house guests guess that they’ll be having a havenot competition today.
Sarah wonders if she will even need to play since she has a slop pass.

Sabrina is waiting on the stairs to go into the diary room.
Kenny asks her if she over did it on the food last night and that’s why she’s not feeling well.
Sabrina says yeah.
Kenny congratulates the others on making it to day 30.

Adel makes fun of Jon for sniffing Neda’s butt as they walked up the stairs. He says that’s a dog trait not a human trait.
Andrew says that he went into a shower at a gay club once. He says he was with a bunch of girls that made him but he had his clothes on all the time.
Kenny says that when he was in Calgary and he picked up a girl at the bar and lied to a girl that his name was Hunter. He says that he ended up dating her for 2 weeks and she thought his name was Hunter.

Neda is painting Jon’s nails and she tells him that they definitely weren’t spooning last night. She says she woke up a bunch of times and they weren’t.
Jon says it wouldn’t matter if they were.
Neda says they weren’t and adds that, that kind of stuff makes them a target. She then tells him that it will be the reason of their eviction She says that she also got up when Kenny woke up and she was facing the other way. They talk about Canada being HOH.
Jon says he thinks Canada likes him.
Neda agrees.
They talk about how Kenny is acting because he knows that Canada hates Andrew so he is trying to distance himself from him.

Kenny and Sarah are whispering.
Sarah says that she cant stand Andrew. She also asks the possibiltiy of Canada hating the first five and something about each of them indivdually.
Kenny says then they roll with the punches.
Sarah says because if they really don’t like the first five and one of us wins the veto, then Canada will just replace us with another.
Kenny says again then they just roll with the punches. He then tells Sarah that If they go home them at least she will get to see her kids and he get to see his dog. He says he thinks out of every body it would be Andrew and Sabrina.


Arlie is talking to Adel and he tells him that he should thank God thank he has his power.
Adel agrees and says that he still needs to go ask and clarify how it will work though.

Sabrina asks Kenny what if she may become a havenot for not competing.
Kenny tells her that she just shocked her system from not eating and then eating so much.

(LIVE FEED Leak of the upcoming HAVENOT Competition being set up in the backyard)


Arlie talks to Sarah about Sabrina being a liar. He says that the fight with Ika that she had and how her story of what happened so much.

Adel is talking to Heather and he says that he hopes Canada puts up Sabrina.
Heather says that Sabrina is a really nice person but she really does not like her game play.
Adel talks about how much Sabrina lies and how Big Brother even called her out saying she lied about what she said happened during the Ika fight.
Adel says that when he won the fan challenge one of the tweets he saw was from a random lady saying Great job Adel! You’re the only person seeing right through Sabrina.
Adel says and that was week 1 he had figured her out.
Heather says great job.

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