10:44pm: Adel and Paul HOH
Adel telling Paul all about the plans with “Canada’s Veto” tells Paul to shut the f*** up and stop talking to Ika. (Adel explains his power to Paul and they go over the best way they can use it) (Adel’s power lets him play in the veto competition if he does not get picked as a player. He is going to flash the ticket to Jon showing just the big black V written on the front. Adel is going to tell Jon he only has two weeks to use “Canada’s Veto” he’ll ask for an alliance with Jon if anything happens to Jon he will use the veto to save him. Adel will add that he also has the power to replace the person he takes off the block So basically he’s telling Jon he has the coup coup d’etat) Adel stresses they have to lay low the last thing they want is the house to flip and cote Paul out.
Paul asks if they need to hide their alliance.
Adel says no “what the f** Paul everyone knows about us”
Adel – “I have Canada on my side” Adel tells him the vote is going to be 6 to 4, Paul is going to stay.
Paul – Wow how this game changes
Adel – All this happened when I was on the hammock and they came to me Paul says Kenny was crying when they found out Adel won the power.
Paul – Andrew, Kenny were all sitting quietly .. no body said a word” They have a good laugh..
Adel – Canada wants us to make a move
Adel – We have IKA dude Adel doesn’t think he would be friends with a person like Andrew outside the house. He points out how Andrew has to always take over the conversation, “He says thing about Women I cannot even listen..”
Adel thinks it would be smart if someone just fights back a bit when no one is watching.
The idea would be to do it when nobody is there so when Andrew strikes back he’ll do it when people are around and it’ll make him look bad.
Paul says he’s planning on doing that. Paul start talking about how he’s a better speaker than Andrew. Paul says when he is in front of 5 thousand people he rocks the house.
Adel _ “I know you are smart and a speaker but you are not the same age as us.. it’s a different mentality”
Adel – “All I know is you me and Ika have a team if this vote goes 6-4″ Adel explains about how he got the power and the messages Big Brother gave him.
Paul asks about his sister and says they all thought he was going to get to see her.
Adel says his sister is a chiropractor, she went to University of Alberta for 4 years than down in the states for 4 years. Adel says his mother was the nanny for the Canadian ambassador Lebanon. When the Ambassador moved back to Canada they took his mother with them. Adel adds that his during the time when his mother was growing up women in Lebanon were not educated.
Paul – what does your dad do
Adel – “he started as a janitor , went to welding, then started a sports bar” Paul asks what is he going to do when he gets back home.
Adel says he’s going to propose to his girl when he gets evicted or when they walk up on the stage during the finale. Adel tells Paul he wants them to go to the final 2. (While this conversation is going on most everyone else is in the HOH where Ika is telling them how worried she is about Adel’s power. She plays up what the possible power could be)
11:28pm: A quick shot of a clean room
11:30pm: Bathroom Sabrina and Adel Sabrina says that Heather is lying to everyone about everyone and the lies are starting to catch up, ‘We all connect the dots.. she’s not playing it smart” (LOL OMG this is what Sabrina is doing) .
Adel thought she had a decent game going. Sabrina disagrees.
Sabrina – “She let her voice slip to many times.. her voice is never the same”
Sabrina – “I’m the old amenability I do believe the woman should take care of the home.. She should also work.. If the women is not strong in the home the home is not strong”
11:44pm: Sabrina and Andrew Bedroom Sabrina says that 100% Adel and Ika are working together. She asks about what Paul said to him.
Andrew – “Game on.. it’s on” Sabrina gets up tells Andrew not to look then says “My boobs don’t sag” They chat about how messy the room is…
11:54pm: Storage room IKA and Adel
Ika says that Paul told Jon and Andrew “Now that I know now it’s Game on boys”.
Ika is pissed at this says she cannot trust Paul one bit if he’s going around telling people this. Ika wanted Paul to keep his mouth shut.
Adel – I cannot understand what he will gain by saying.. he’s being a f*** dumb fat idiot”
11:57pm: BAckyard Jon, Neda and Rachelle
Jon says he just caught IKA in a bullsh1t lie.. feeds switch to Bedroom Where Kenny, Andrew, Sarah and Sabrina freaking out.
Kenny – We cannot be seen hanging out never.. there will be people catching on.. you (Sarah and Sabrina) have to form a connection with Jon”
Kenny warns them not to trust Neda calls her a little shyster”
Sarah explains to them eventually their going to be found out. It doesn’t matter if Jon is targeting them he’s not in their alliance. Sarah says if the girls win HOH next week it’s going to be hard for Sabrina and her to keep the guys off the block.
Kenny knows there alliance will be outed but he would like to get another 2 weeks of being secret. Sarah instructs if they win HOH they need to put up Ika and Adel to flush out the power.
12:00am: Sabrina and Adel Storage room Adel is freaking out because of what Paul is doing. Adel explain he went up to the HOH where everyone was talking and Jon asked him if he had told Paul he’s safe because Paul told Jon “now that I know what is going on It’s on”
Sabrina – Did he know last night.. did you know.. ”
Adel – What the f*** would I gain by telling this freaking idiot anything when people are finally talking to me”
Adel – “Where the f** would I gain anyone’s trust.. what would I prove from telling this fat f** slob.. sorry this f** slob anything”
Adel – “I just want to punch him out” Adel corrects says he doesn’t really want to punch him out he’s just mad.
12:00am: Neda and JOn Pool Jon and Neda are thinking they are not in any immediate danger so winning HOH may not be the best course of action. Jon says the only reason he wants to win HOH right now is to get the letter from home. He really wanted it.
Neda – I feel like even if I do try I won’t win it
Jon – I will try, If Paul is in the running to win it I want to win it but if not I DO NOT WANT TO WIN IT.
Neda – OK if Paul or Adel
Jon – Will the girls put me up
Neda – No.. I think Sabrina would want Kenny up. Jon says If Kenny wins HOH he will out up the new girl, “I would put her up if I won HOH.. in a heartbeat”
Neda tells him what is really bothering her right now. It’s how Sabrina can hate Allison so much yet when they were all on the couch they were the best of friends. “If she’s that Fake… ”
Neda – Does no one else see it.
Jon – No.. it’s weird Jon and Neda agree they want to get rid of Sabrina if they can get the votes.
Neda – I was kinda hoping that the entire Sabrina, Andrew and Allison thing would blow up Jon me to Neda Andrew will never vote her out (Sabrina)
BBCAN update: Adel – Canada wants us to make a move
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