7:OOPM TO 9:00PM
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JOn, Kenny, Arlie and Sabrina out in the hot tub room talking about her fight with Ika.
Rachelle and Sabrina talk about Ika saying that she was so going to put on the eviction block if she was still in the houseand had won HOH.
Sabrina is worried they are trying to make her look bad and adds that the houseand that she seeks attention.
Rachelle disagrees.
Sabrina says the crying was real and is pissed that Adel was saying Sabrina should stop crying. She adds and says that she cannot not wait for Adel to go home and Ika as well.
Rachelle adds 5hat Ika 's smirk is so annoying
Sabrina – All she kept saying is shut the f*** up Sabrina your f*** lucky I don’t put you and your pet up on the block.. she kept saying Shut the f** up Sabrina you’re a f*** snake.
Rachelle then calls Ika a conniving little b1tch.
Sabrina retells the story about the fight.
They both agree Ika is a very intimidating person and they are scared of her.
Sabrina admits to lying to her and says that everybody did it then she puts the blame on the game.
Rachelle asks why Ika is still mad at them yet they told her that she was going on the block.
Sabrina says here are people in the house that have done 10 thousand times worse than her and and Rachelle.
Rachelle then says that Ika is a piece of crap.
Sabrina agains says she’s worried production that thinks she was making up lies to make Ika look to be worse.
Rachelle then calls Ika a disgusting human.
Sabrina – you kicked my letter you kick my mom’s letter
Rachelle calls Ika a psychopath and says that says she feels no remorse for kicking the letters, she then adds that that is one sign of a psychopath. shows no remorse Rachelle now claims she would have snapped on Ika.
They agree something is up with Neda.
Sabrina says she’s looking at her weirdly like she thinks she’s making things up.
Rachelle says Ika doesn’t deserve the 5 thousand she won, Sabrina says her kids deserve it not her.
Sabrina knows it was the ultimate betrayal what they did to Ika but it’s only a game. She then tells Rachelle not to say anything but everyone is targeting Adel next week. She adds that Allison is worried about them because everyone likes them, Sabrina thinks Allison will put them both up.
Rachelle – “That gives me chills”
They start talking about the power in Adel's custody.
Sabrina asks her if she is nominated beside Andrew would Rachelle use the POV on her or Andrew.
Rachelle says Sabrina of course.
Sabrina tells her she can’t play in the veto either because she won HOH.
Rachelle is not sue of what to say then Sabrina tells her that she cannot play.
Sabrina going back to the fight saying she misunderstood something Ika said.
Rachelle then replies that no one is thinking that Sabrina is making things up because they all love her.
Sabrina says that Adel should not win HOH.
Rachelle the boyswill not let him win a thing.
Sabrina starts praying to god to not let Adel win the HOH.
Rachelle assure Sabrina that Adel is a piece of crap and will not win a thing.Then Jon joins them.
Jon asks Sabrina if sheis alright.
Sabrina says she is just stressed because people are thinking she’s making things up for attention.
Jon tells her not to worry about that nobody thinks she is right but he believes her.
Jon leaves.
Sabrina says she loves Jon and says she will never vote him out.
Ika is with Adel and sheis talking about the game they are playing.
Adel then says that the Big Brother game that they are playing is easy and adds that he is happy that Sabrina came out she made this big f** deal acted like a f** fool and look they came over the announcements saying She be snitching “
Ika says that Sabrina is lying and then adds that though she is not innocent, she did not say all those things and adds that it is good that Sabrina embarassed herself and that she is the bad person.
Adel tells her that it matters less since nothing is going to change.
Jon is talkin to Sarah and he tells her the things he heard from Sabrina that Adel put the sugar in the slop then after he heard from her that it was Ika. He t “Makes you think what was said through this whole game” Sarah says what she say on teh stairs between Sabrina and IKA was valien says thatit makes one think t5hrough this game.
Jon has no doubts that Sabrina came out here and IKA ripped her a new one.
Sarah replies 100%.
Jon couldn’t believe that happened “When they said after reviewing”
Sarah knew the stairs thing was going to be debatable because IKa didn’t jab her it was just like she walked into her.
Jon the says that it was inconclusive ya
Sarah replies that she totally agrees with the decision if it was any other people it would be nothing. Sarah also adds and says Adel has a bleeding heart with people that are leaving.
Jon repeats, “bleeding”
Sarah says she feels the same way as Adel she doesn’t like how the house has been treating people when they are on the way out,and then she saysw that it is going to be them as well.
Jon tells her they are still good with their side alliance.
Sarah doesn’t want Adel to know about her because he doesn’t trust her.
Jon asks Sarah if she thinks that the boys will turn on him.
T hey both agree Adel will use his power this week and put Andrew up.
Sarah says she’s scared of it happening so early, she also says that she does not know if their enough people to vote out Andrew and then she also says that they will be in trouble if they put Andrew on the block and he does not leave the house. Jon says the difference in votes can come down to one person.
Sarah thinks they should wait a week or two more
Jon says the numbers are very close,he then says that they will need to talk to Arlie and see if he is with them.
Sarah says Sabrina, Kenny and rachelle will not vote him out,she also says that it will also depend on who will win HOH.
JOn counts the votes says they have 6 votes to evict Andrew and Andrew only has 3,but adds that itcompletly depends on whowins HOH.
Sabrina rolls in and Jon leaves.
Sarah says Jon was sitting around wanting to talk game but she was feeling so much guilt.
Sabrina then says that she feels so bad about Ika. She says they will have to use the guys to get rid of Jon.
Sarah asks if Allison is the target this week.
Sabrina says yes but next week it’s Jon.
Sarah says Jon has been asking if the boys will turn on him.
Sarah rehashes what she told Jon, she adds how upset she is lying to him.
Sarah tells her if anything happens to their alliance it’s going to be Andrew who goes out. She doesn’t think any alliance has Heather and Sabrina controls Rachelle.
Sabrina wants Allison gone.
Sarah agrees.
Arlie is advising that any of the three girls would be great targets to put up, Allison, Sabrina or Rachelle.
Arlie asks Heather if she likes the idea and she says yes.
Arlie then tells her that he likes the fact thatAndrew and Kenny are notafter her. He asks her What she will do if she wins HOH during the double eviction.
Heather thinks she will put up Allison and Sabrina.
Arlie agrees that is a good idea. But he says that he does notknow whohe will put up.
Heather then says that she thought she would ask cause she is rooting for Arlie.
Arlie says he’s thinking of putting up Sabrina, Allison or Rachelle.
Arlie leaves and as he leaves, he tells Heather that a good chat is to be kept shortand often.
Heather replies – “You got it dude”
Sabrina is talking to Rachelle and tells her that she feels that Andrew and Allison are in love.
Rachelle says that maybe he’s just like that thought.. with his affections.. they don’t’ do anything when they make out do they”
Rachellethen tells Sabrina that her face looks skinnier and flatter.
Sabrina refusesto accept.
Rachelle then says feels like Sarah is never going to go home and asks who would put her up.like who would put her up.She goes on to say that it is not that she wants her to go.
Sabrina says she cannot put Sarah up it would have to be Rachelle or Andrew. She adds she’ll vote Sarah out when the time is right. She then adds that Right now they have have to think Allison, Adel and Heather.
Sabrina says Sarah, Neda, KEnny and Jon will put up Allison.
Rachelle is worried that there’s pictures of her naked on the internet. Rachelle says the internet is full of Big Brother Nudes. She mentions the pictures of Emmett’s “dong”: Hanging out that came out last year.
Arlie, Jon, Sarah, Neda and Arlie joking around.
Arlie says he’s seen one girl’s chest in the house and he won’t say who it was.
Jon says it was Rachelle she showed everyone.
Arlie says no and trys to pin point Sarah.
Allison and Sabrina cruise in and Arlie sings – “Sabrina … Sabrina.. I love you so much.. Sabrina.. Sabrina come give me a touch”
Allison and Andrew showmancing.
Adel is talking to Arlie and tells him that he really wants HOH and says that he has got an epic plan.Adel says he doesn’t want to say anything yet but will the night he wins HOH. (His plan is to put Kenny and Sarah up. Kenny is the target. If POV is played Andrew is the replacement.. there more to it but thats the meat of it)
Adel tells Arlie that he is the one dude in the house that he knew from day one was not going to *** him in this game.
Arlie says he’s not going to f*** Adel and he’s not going to do anything to hurt Adel’s game.
Adel then says Jon is getting very nervous because Ika kind of messed his game up on the way.
Arlie repliesthatit is really bad and adds that there is rumblings now. He also says that Adel and Jon are his 1 and 2 he is really trying to get the threeof them far as he can with other residual people on the end like Heather and Neda.
Arlie thinks it all comes down who wins the HOH’s the sides are so even, one of their five has to win the HOH. (Adel, Arlie, Heather, Neda and Jon)
Adel asks if the house is “Shunning” him still.
Arlie doesn’t think so, people noticed Adel laughing with Ika in the backyard but she’s going home. He then says that he just doesnot want to lose want to lose Jon this week because there’s been talk about the Ika incidence.
Arlie says IKA has said stuff that really started people to question him. Arlie says that he isn’t wasting time worrying about it because it all comes down to the HOH. If they win HOH no worries if they don’t win HOH they’re all in danger. Explains it’s their side vs Kenny and Andrew’s side.
Houseguests make plans to get rid Andrew and Kenny and all their minds are glued to winning HOH.
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