8:00AM To 11:00AM
The houseguests are woken up at around 8:40am,Ika,Jon,Neda and Allison are talking about when the next nomination ceremony.Ika says that they are tomorrow.
Allison then talks about the how uncomfortable she was when sleeping in the same bed as Andrew, she talks about how he not only snores but also
Flails around whenever he moves saying he would keep her awake.
Ika talks about Adel's hair cut and then she is asked by Allison who seems scared asks about what Ika thinks that Rachelle is planning.
Ika defines Rachelle as unpredictable. She goes on to let Allison know that their conversation must be kept between the two of them.
Allison tells Ika that she does not see herself as a big threat of which Ika tells her it may be because she is close to Andrew.
Ika says that she Heather is her main target and she plans to let her get rid of herself of which she says she is sure. Allison thinks that Heathers moves are likely to bring about the fall of the girl group but Ika does'nt5 seem to care as she thinks that she is at the bottom. Allison departs.
Ika and Adel are talking and Adel tells Ika that it is time to lie through their teeth she also asks i Rachelle and Heather are back to being friends and how she cannot work with Rachelle because she(Rachelle) is a stupid and Adel adds saying that she is a stupid little kid.
Ika then tells Adel how it is useless to chase Heather yet she can hardly help herself.
Adel tells Ika that if Rachelle puts Heather and Allison and how Allison would be voted out because she is close to Andrew.
Andrew and Heather are talking and Heather tells Andrew that she was not Ika's primary target and that it was Kenny.
Heather also thanks Andrew and his friends for keeping her around and she thinks that they are awesome.
Andrew tells her that he wanted out for Paul asks her if they can work together. They agree to work together then Andre leaves.
Rachelle is called to the dairy room houseguests scream and then Heather starts making faces.
Kenny,Arlie and Sarah are talking about the eating habit that Sabrina has developed and how she complains alot.
Andrew,Kenny and Jon find apacket of smokes in Andrew's coat and they run out to the backyard screaming. They then head to the hot tub room and talk about how Rachelle is not after them and that they should play cool.
It s almost gettin to 10:00pm and Sarah and Sabrina are heading to the hot tub room talking game. They talk about how Rachelle intally wanted to put up Ika and Heather for eviction but fearing becuase Adel had sworn on his Koran to use it save her.
Sabrina says that Ika cannot go up on the block this Week so the plan is to put Allison and Heather.She alsosays that the veto will not be used on any so that Heather can go home this week.
They are joined by Kenny and sabrina is still talking and she says how she cannot let Ika attack Rachelle like an animal.
She also says that she is going to talk to Allison and promise her that she will not go.
The houseguests think that Rachelle is going to get her HOH room then the live feeds are cut off.
Live feeds are back on and Rachelle is already in her HOH room with Jon who looks to be enjoying the music and is dancing,plus Sabrina,Arlie,Adel,Kenny,Neda and Allison all seated on the couches chilling.
Allison tells Andrew how she is worried that she might hit the block.
Big Brother puts the house off limits and the houseguests are all in the backyard.
Rachelle and Sabrina head to the hot tub room talking about Rachelle's nominations and they are joined by Adel.
Sabrina asksif he is going to usehis power on anyone this week and he swears that he wont unless he is put up.Rachelle and Sabrina promis him thathe is not going on the block.
Adel also says that he can use i next week if the house decides that it is necessary.
At around 11:10 am, Ika and Sarah are talking by the pool side
Ika tells sarah that he had plans to put Kenny up but the girls were scared.
Sarah then tells Ika that he is awre of her friendship with Adel.
BBCAN updates: Ika exposed as Heather forms an Alliance with Andrew.
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