12:00AM TO 4:00AM
Rachelle, Sabrina and Neda tell about the plan to Backdoor Ika.
Neda tells them that it is not the best plan and Ika not not put any of them on the block.She says the Heather is completely useless and she is going to put them up if she wins anything and Ika will not do the same. Neda worries that Ika will also spill their secrets once up on the block.
Sabrina says that she is not worried because everyone knows there was a girls alliance. Sabrina tells Neda that she thinks Ika and Jon are working together and they both came and asked Rachelle to put up Andrew
Allison won the Power of Veto
Houseguests are eating a late night meal
Adel talks to Arlie and thinks that thinks that tomorrow is the Power of Veto Ceremony.
Arlie isn’t sure thought it was Monday.
Ika and Ael asr talking and Ika tells him that she was talking to the girls today and does not think that adel is going on the block.
They both agree that the girls are stupid sticking with Sarah and not Ika.
Adel tells her to stay positive and don’t let Paranoia get the best of her.
Ika also says that the girls where talking about her when she walked into the HOH room.
Adel then asks her who is probably going up and she replies that she is not sure and gives Arlie as an option. He tells her to stay away from drama.
Adel is with Arlie sabrina and Heather, telling them he is reserving his power unless he or Rachelle are in trouble.He also says that it sounds like part of the Power of Veto competition was rewards and punishments.
Jon has a punishment it’s a fog horn which will be blown every XX minutes in the room he’s sleeping in. Heather’s punishment is she has to take 10K steps a day Someone and that someonegot a two week pass on slop.
Andrew,Kenny and Jon are having their last cigarettes Kenny cannot believe that Heather didn’t go for the veto.
Jon says that it was so stupid and they also joke abut never going to Ika's HOH room even once.
Rachelle tells Andrew that she will be happy tomorrow, “It’ll be interesting”
Feeds flip to the bedroom where Sarah is comforting Ika,
Andrew walks in asks whats up.
Sarah tells Andrew that her and Ika are both missing their kids
Ika starts saying she doesn’t want to feel like Adel did anything and be ignored.
Sarah promises that she wont let it happen.
Ika tells Sarah tht she does ot hate her and she also does not make alone.
sarah says that she hates part of the game and says their parts that make one feel like horrible human being.
Ika then says that her personality does not get along with sabrina. She also tells Sarah that what she did was a low blow that killed her game and says that she understood why Sarh had to do it.
Sarah reponds telling Ika that she is family
Neda and Jon are having an arguing over what information they are going to start feeding each other.
Horn blows and Jon has to walk outside and jumps into the pool. A bunch of the house guests follow to watch. Later that that night, he is woken up two more times and moves to dunk himself into the pool.
Houseguests miss out on POV and get punished.
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