Ika believes that she is going home this week.(BBCAN Monday moring updates.)

w-pov8:00AM TO 12:00PM

Big Brother wakes up the house guest.
Houseguests wake and start getting ready.
The have complain how cold their room was at night.


Ika asks Allison if she knows what is happening in the house and Allsion says that she does not have a clue because no one in the house tells her a thing.
Ika tells Allison that she should not stop lying and Allison says that she is not.
Allison then says that she was only told that someone was going up and that she should rest which she did not understand.


Rachelle is in the bathroom withSabrina and Neda getting ready for the day.
Rachelle tells them that putting up Ika worries her and Adel might use his power on her.
Sabrina tells Rachelle that she she should go and have a word with Adel.

Rachelle then goes out of the HOH room and returns with Adel and the her and Sabrina begin to talk to him about restraining to use his power to save someone they put up on the block.
Adel then swears on his quran not to use his power and then he leaves the room.
Rachelle says well he swore on it. Sabrina and Rachelle continue to do their makeup.

When Adel is finished dressing up, he rturns to the room and he swears again that he will not use his powers. .

Neda asks Ika in the bathroom if she can talk to her. They head to the bathroom and then Neda tells Ika tha she tried and failed to change the minds of Rachelle and Sabrina and then she begins to cry.
Ika tells her that it is okay and she already knows thatshe is going home.
Neda asks who put up their own alliance and also asks if Adel would use his power
Ika tells her that she told Adel that he should not use it he he will be next weeks target and adds that she knows that everything was planned.
Ika says that Allison easily won the veto and no one tried to take from her and that is when she knew that she was gone.
Neda apologize for not telling Ika saying it was so hard to not tell her yesterday.
Ika then tells Neda that the guys are targeting Jon.
Neda prplies that she knows that jon will be gone soon and asks Ika to let Jon know.She also says that she cannot tell him because she is trying to lay low and should not be seen spreading romours.
Ika agrees to tell Jon and says that she is not going to change her mind because she has tried all she could.

Neda is talking to Jon about how he is a target of the guys.
Jon comments on how he wants Andrew gone.
Neda tells him that he should stop talking about that to anyone.
Jon says that he has since she talked to him about it.
They talk saying that Andrew needs to leave the house before jury and Jon says that he does not believe that Kenny would turn on him

10:00AM TO 12:OOPM

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