8:30am: Big Brother wakes up the house guests.
Heather, Sarah, Adel and Paul are getting ready for the day in the bathroom.
In the kitchen – Kenny is talking to Adel about how long Andrew’s diary room session was last night.
Adel asks if his diary room session was as long as Andrews.
Kenny says he wasn’t sure how long he was on the couch in the diary room. Kenny says that they started to think Adel had gotten out of the house.
Adel says that there’s no chance he would use it on anyone, let alone the worst player in Canada. I would never waste it on him. I am really understanding this game now. I’ve got an ace in the hole.
9:15am: Out in backyard
Adel tells Paul to keep playing the slop card and going into the diary room saying your dizzy. Adel talks to Paul about how how last night they already started to pin sh*t on you.
Jon asked me in front of everyone about if Adel had told about his power. They are already starting to think about keeping Heather.
Paul says that he never said anything to Jon.
Adel talks to Paul about how he was supposed to be laying low and being sad and the other night he was happy.
Paul prays for 5 minutes. Adel says yeah in front of 5 people. You can’t let anyone think that you know what I have.
UP in the HOH room
Arlie tells Ika and Kenny his crazy BB dream last night.
Out in the hot tub room
Sarah talks to Kenny about Adel’s power. Sarah says that Jon says there is no way that Paul doesn’t know what Adels power is.
Kenny says all it takes is one vote.
Sarah says then I am exposed.
Kenny says but no ones going to know but you, you don’t even have to tell Sabrina.
Sarah says okay I know, I am definitely leaning that way. I think its dangerous for our alliance if Paul and Adel are still in it.
Kenny says Me, Jon, Andrew, Arlie and Allison … all we need is that one vote and he is out. Him in this house is completely dangerous.
Sarah says I know.
Kenny says all it takes is one slip up, one chance at an HOH and it not only leaves him here to take us out but it gives Ika the numbers and her little plan to get rid of us.
Sarah says I know, I just feel like I am on the bottom of the girls and they’re going to know. I’ve got to figure something, I’ve got two whole days. Kenny agrees and says and also Heather is going to see that people voted for her and to leave is going to make her scared as sh*t.. so she’s going to know that her standing in the girls alliance is weakened ..so she is going to be willing to pop back over.
Sarah says yeah.
Kenny says take some time and think it over…
9:40am: In the storage room
Adel has a quick talk with Arlie. Adel asks if he should tell people about his power today.
Arlie says no, not today. Arlie says and tell me before you’re going to do it.
Adel says okay. They shake hands and leave the room.
In the bedroom
Ika talks to Adel about their plans. Adel tells Ika about how Arlie knows about the fake power. Adel says when it gets closer to Thursday I’ll tell him that I’m not going to use it and tell him that I’ll save it for next week. Adel says I am so happy now that Arlie is so in love with us. Well not with us but .. Adel says I think we’re okay.
Ika says don’t tell him too much. Adel says I don’t, he doesn’t know anything about us. Ika and Adel agree to keep their alliance secret until the end.
10:15am: Most of the house guests are in the kitchen making and eating breakfast..
10:20am: In the bedroom
Neda talks to Adel about how she’s happy he won the power. She says she likes how its brought a couple people down a couple notches.
Adel says that he can’t tell her any more about it but eludes to that fact that he can use it this week or next. Neda says that he doesn’t want to know any more or make him feel like he needs to tell her anything else.
Kenny talks to Neda about how much Paul is pissing him off. Kenny says Paul is stretching on the floor above the diary room again even though he’s been told not to since they can hear diary room sessions. Kenny comments on how Jon has been in the diary room forever.
Adel says he’s not in the diary room, I was just in there. They realize that Jon isn’t in the house and must be getting a check up with the doctor about his shoulder.
Out in the backyard hammock
Arlie talks to Sarah about how he will always have her back. They talk about her missing her family and how this is an amazing experience. Arlie tells Sarah that he will die for the first 5. Arlie says that he knows Sabrina has a backup plan.. she is safe and you’re not. Arlie tells her that she needs a backup plan too. He tells her that he is working on a backup plan just in case and so should she. He wants her to be with him in that plan.
BBCAN morning updates.
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