Arlie did not make it off the block unlike some people like Allison and Heather who stepped there twice and stayed around. I guess he should have sought advice from the two on how to survive eviction which is now too late.
Arlie was put up as a who is a super of the show just like his father was evicted in the worst way possible. He himself knows that being given the back door means that you are a gone case and there is no posible way of survival.
One thing about Arlie was that he did not give up on himself irrespective of what had happened to him he fought to the very end trying to get votes to keep him in the house. It is funny that Rachelle who wwas also an original Jon nomination was removed from the block only to be replaced with Arlie's other friend Adel which kind of messed him up abit.
Unlike some houseguests like Ika and Jackson, Arlie kept his cool around other houseguests and even told them that there is no way he could take anything personalbecause all this is just a game and everyone plays to win.
So to those who Arlie was their favorite am really sorry he had to leave at this stage and to those who wanted him gone, well the genie grnted your wish.
Arlie is evicted from the house.
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