New twists for the Big Brother Canada show.


Sunday at 9/8c ON SLICE

Big Brother Canada Double eviction week has started! During Big Brother Canada Side show we got a little peak as Neda the new current HOH was called to the Diary Room. She was then blindfolded and escorted to the War Room inside the house. When the feeds returned we found her in the War Room where she would spend the night watching the other house guests wonder where she went.
Allison was pretty she sure she knew where Neda was in "her" secret room but she didn't let on. She even went over alone to see if she could open the door like she did when she found the Secret POV. It did not open. We learned from Arisa last night the feeds would go down Friday and return after Sunday's show.

Is it because the Easter Bunny is making a visit!? Nope!

We are starting a Double Eviction Week in the Big Brother Canada House. At approximately 2:30PM this afternoon the feeds finally cut. Last we saw Neda she was still in the War Room ready for the day...the other house guests were in HOH locked down all taking a nap.

So what will happen next? Instant Eviction! In Neda will nominated 2 people for Eviction and one will be evicted instantly. Then a new HOH will be crowned and the week will play out normally.

This weeks POV winner will also win a Secret Strategy Session with Jillian and Emmett as Canada reached 20 000 000 on The Meter.

Also, on last night's show we learned that Canada will be the 7th Jury Member and Final Vote. During the final week of Big Brother Canada the viewers will get to vote on who you think should Win this season if Big Brother Canada. The house guest with the most votes will be locked in as Canada's final jury vote.

So who do you think Neda will put up for Instant Eviction?
So many possibilities!
Sunday's show of Big Brother Canada will return will with all the answer and more when the feeds return after the show ends.

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