The Adel & Sabrina Saga presses on

Adel-Elseri-e1394338494528While there may only be five houseguests left on “Big Brother Canada 2,” you can least rejoice in the fact that this week is turning out to be so much more enjoyable than what we were looking at here the week before with Rachelle / Sabrina on the block.

What is very interesting about the decision Thursday night is that Jon is very subtly backing Neda into a corning, and almost forcing her to admit right now as to whether or not he can trust her in this game at this point. He has spent most of the afternoon pushing hard in order to make sure that Sabrina went home over Neda, mostly because he doesn’t want a bitter Adel in jury, and he also wants to ensure that there are three people for sure fighting to get rid of Sabrina rather than two people who may or may not be fighting to keep him. He also told Neda that he got rid of Arlie because that was something that she wanted, and he wants to more less have the favor returned.

Neda’s big argument at this point is simply that Sabrina isn’t going to win anything, and therefore is the perfect dead weight. This debate isn’t ending anytime soon, thought it still feels like Heather and Neda want to keep Sabrina and prepare to go to the final two together. Heather did tell Jon that she hasn’t made up her mind who to vote for yet, but we have a hard time believing that. Neda also briefly thought about splitting the vote and making Jon choose who to send home, but they decided ultimately not to go this route.


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