The houseguests were in the hot tub today at around 9:00pm today evening chilling on cigars and wine and trying to have a good time.
They talked about different things some disgusting to mention.
The mos interesting part is when the relaxing was cut out ll the sudden between two people, Adel and Sbrina.
It started when Jon asked Sabrina if she about knowing what she knows now that she had made it up to the first five in the house.
Sabrina told Jon that the allinces she made in the beginning where risky but paid off.
They talked more about the first impression they gotof each other and different houseguests that left the house.
It was all good until Adel brought up the fight that was between sabrina and Ika. He said that they called both of them to the dairy room for stretching the truth and Adel kept on insisting that Sabrina was he one who had told lies.
Sabrina started crying sying that alot of people did bad things in the house but shwe is always singled out.
Jon left the hot ub i think because he was not settled with the path the conversation had taken and Neda told tha rest to drop the subjec because everyone was drinking.
Sabrina then told Adel that he was always going after her and Adel also said the same.
Sabrina then told Adel that he was so mean and in response, Adel told her that she was so fakeand not even funny and he did not give a sh*t about her.
Adel alo added that he ws real and was going to get in the game.
In the end, at around 10:00pm, everyne had left the tub. Sabrina who looked like a time bomb about to blow up was in the backyard with Neda Rachelle and Jon still frustrated by what Adel had told her.
Sbrina said that Adel is so mean and was crossing the line. she also said that he had lied so many times over his bible and they sill say that she is the bad one.
Neda then adviced Sabrina that her and Adel should not stay in the same room.
Later on, Sabrina was seen running round the house in a towel saying that she wantd to go home. Well earlier on she had said that the house was boring because there was no more drama but as i can see she is now the centre of the drama.
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FINALLY MORE DRAMA IN THE HOUSE: Houseguests relax in the hot tub and Adel sparks off Sabrina and she loses it.
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who's the editor? i can hardly make out what's ever being said by the posts...Is a 7 year old doing the spell check??????