BBCAN updates: Houseguests freak out on Canada is going to put on the block.

wk10:00PM TO 12:00PM


The live feeds return.
Most of the houseguests are in the backyard chit chatting. Sabrina is in the diary room.

They start filling the wiffle balls with garbage bag bits to make them heavier.
Adel says that the ball might break someone's nose because it is very full.


Kenny is with Rachelle and they are talking about how cool this twist is.
Kenny says that it is easier in away that they do not have to worry about HOH but themselves.He says that they only have to be themselves and adds that obviously it sucks if you go up though.

Arlie says he ate and drank 6.8lbs of food and beer and he does not feel well.

Sabrina says that she loves Canada and wants to know all about Breaking Bad.


Neda is talking to Sabrina and Rachelle. Neda tells Sabrina that she has way less cellulite on her butts than her and tells Rachelle that she is gaining weight on her chest.
Sabrina is wondering if Canada will desire to break up the showmances.
Neda then says that Canada may want to keep the showmances because she thinks they thinks that they are fun.
Sabrina disagrees and says that it is the person that they do not like not the showmance.
Neda points out that Canada voted Allison into the house and thinks that Canada still likes her.
Sabrina then asks if she thinks that Canada likes Andrew.
Neda thinks it depends on what they show.
Sabrina says she’s only really lost it twice in the house with Adel for insulting hr religion and Ika then says that she is worried and then she asks about Arlie.
Neda thinks Canada likes Arlie.
Sabrina says that she is not sure and adds that Adel isn’t going up.

Showmancing (Andrew and Allison)


Adel is with Jon telling him that Canada likes Arlie and him alot. Adel says that he did his damage at the start but he doesn’t think the three of them will be in danger. He wonders if the people that go up will be sad.
Jon does not seem to care alot and then they both agree that Andrew and Sabrina may go on the block.
Jon brings up when he said “queer bag” he had no idea people would take it as an offense. He feels bad about it he repeats over and over he had no idea(they talked in the kitchen about this for awhile nobody in the house was upset) .
Adel tells him not to worry everyone knows Jon didn’t mean it in a negative way “it’s all about intent”
Jon says Sabrina is “so annoying she thinks she knows alot and runs everything yet she does not know alot.


Most of the houseguests are at the dining table Talking about the crazy things that happened this season.
Sabrina says that she wants to go home and watchthis season.

Still showmancing |(Andrew and Allison.)

Jon shows the girls his male tool.
Rachelle is shocked and says that she saw the whole wiener.
Arlie who is shocked says that Jon is going to be evicted from Canada because of how much he touches his junk.
They mention that the have nots competition will be tomorrow.

Rachelle also starting flashing her unmentionables saying wake up Canada.

Andrew and Allison are still doing their showmance.

Sabrina jumps on the scale the cameras zoom in then she heads downstairs to the kitchen where Andrew, Neda and Arlie are mulling around eating.
They talk about Sabrina and Andrew doing their booger cooking show tomorrow, “It’s pasta night tomorrow”
Arlie says that he cannot stop eating.
Sabrina says she lost 10 lbs
Rachelle says she gained 8lbs
Allison says she gained weight
Arlie lost 10lbs
Andrew gained 8 lbs


Arlie and Sabrina eating popcorn Arlie continues to eat everything he can.. Having already gained 6lbs since coming off being a Have nots.

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