Adel remains a havenot and this time he is joined by Jon (BBCAN live feed updates)

3411:00PM TO 6:00PM

Houseguests are seated on the circle couch.
In the audio on can hear Heather saying they should pick players for the havenots competition.
Adel says that he can her them rearranging the Canada room.

Kenny and Jon say its coming from the diary room then they hear the sound of popping ballons.
Jon says he’s going to get a Diamond Power of Veto because he got a blank card. H goes on and says he guarantees a DPOV in one of those balloons.
Neda says they were just guessing and they have no idea.
Adel says that the blank one was a misprint.
Jon does not think it is a misprint.
The house guests talk about Ika winning the ball counting challenge.
Jon says that Ika could have guessed 4 and she still would have won that thing.
1:30PM TO 4:00PM

Big Brother cuts the live feeds.The have not competition is going on.

The live feeds return for a very short time and some of the houseguests are in the hot tub room. All the girls are dresses in dresses and the guys are dressed up with dress pants, shirts and vests. They yell out congratulations! Rachelle is holding a bunch of helium balloons on strings.
They say that was awesome, that was cool.
Andrew jokes now we get charged a $200 layover fine.
Kenny says they should all sign their names on it..
They start to head out of the hot tub room and big brother cuts the feeds again..


Adel and Jon (the havenots) are in the havenot room talking.
Adel says he was just in here the previous week.
Jon says that he atleast got a week off. He also says that the beds aren’t so bad.
Adel complains how hard it is for to sleep when the other houseguests are chuckling and laughing. He says it sucks for him, he was stuck in here with his slobby-ness. he thinks that they could have pulled it off.
It seemed like they gave them the hardest one.
Jon agrees.
Adel then says that if someone does something to get the whole house punished then him and Jon double it and and get another 48 hours.
Jon says we they will sleep on it.
Adel says he is pissed!

A couple of the house guests try to sleep including Jon but big brother wakes them up.


Heather is with Neda telling her that they(other houseguests) are asking things that make it seem like they want her (Sabrina) to stay for the drama.
Neda is shocked and says that Heather is lying.
Heather says that the person she is most scared about is Kenny.
Neda says she is also am scared.
Heather says you just don’t know how you are viewed from the outside.
Adel joins them.

Adel talks about how he know he is safe because he won the buzz challenge.
He tells them about how he wont use his power. He says whatever Canada wants he will leave it like that.

Jon and Rachelle join Adel,Heather and Neda in the bedroom.
Jon comments on how if is girlfriend Janelle cheats on him then she wasn’t worth it. He says especially since he is doing all this for her and says tht he would just make her the worsst person in the world. He says that he doesn’t think she would do that to him though.


Rachelle says that she would definitely have sex if she was in a showmance.
Allison says that she would never because her dad is watching.

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