Sabrina says that she feels really alone.

vht110:00AM TO 2:00PM

live feeds return we learn that Jon as the power of veto holder chose not to use the veto on either of the nominees.
As a result Andrew and Sabrina are still up for eviction and one of them will be going home on Thursday night during the live eviction.

Sarah and Arlie are together talking. She says that she’s worried about being outed as a traitor to the first five.

Big Brother switches the cams to the kitchen where Andrew is cooking.
Andrew tells Allison that Jon doesn’t need to pretend to be my buddy any more.

Neda are talking together and Neda tells Sabrina how she knows Jon would keep her safe over a lot of people but says she isn’t sure he would keep her safe over everyone.
Sabrina says that she feels really alone.
Neda says that she shouldn’t.
Sabrina starts telling Neda about her conversation with Adel last night.

Jon talks to Sabrina and tells her that he guarantees her that she is not going home.
Sabrina says that after talking to him last night she feels so much better about him.
They hug and he leaves the room.
Jon joins Sarah out by the pool.

Jon talks to Sarah about how hard it was to make the decision to not use the veto.
Sarah says his reasons were the truth and they were valid. It’s not worth having people come after you for it.
Jon leaves.
Sarah comments how the love word is being thrown around too much and making it hard.
Sabrina hugs Andrew and starts to cry.
Andrew says that he is fine with it.
Sabrina heads out to the hot tub room.
Allison hugs Andrew and starts to cry.
Andrew asks if his speech was okay.
Allison says yeah. She says she probably had a close up of her face crying.

Andrew continues making his burgers.
Sarah says that’s all they eat at home.
Andrew replies hat her kids must be fat then adds that he is just kidding.
Sabrina joins them and talks about how when Adel gets on a rant he starts spilling all types of stuff.
Sabrina says Heather is Adel’s new Ika.
Sarah says that’s a MASSIVE DOWNGRADE!

The house guests are sitting around soaking up the sun talking about random things.
They talk about the bachelor and wonder who won it. They comment on how weird and ugly juan pablo is when he opens his mouth.
Sarah comments on how her husband is crude and jokes that he treats her badly. She says he always says get’em young and treat’em badly.
Jon asks how old Jason is and she says 41.
Jon says holy so he’s 9 years older than you.

Kenny is with Jon in the hot tub room and they are talking. They’re talking about how Adel keeps changing his story about his power.
Kenny says hopefully we can get rid of him this next week. Jon asks how Andrew is and Kenny replies that he is resigned to the fact he is going home.
Jon says that he and Andrew have butted heads since the beginning and that not using the veto was a hard decision to make.
Sarah joins them.

Sabrina tells Allison and Rachelle are her girls that she trusts. She tells to keep her in check because she’s Italian and its going to come out.

Arlie tells Heather that he needs to avoid her like the plague because Kenny is on to him and was questioning him the other day. He says they have Adel’s power and he’s going to use it next week to take out a big player. They plan on taking out kenny or Sabrina.
Allison comments to Rachelle about how obvivious it is they are all working together.
Rachelle says she knows.
Allison says it just makes us more hungrier to win.
Rachelle says its just too bad Andrew has to leave.
Andrew joins them and they head out to the sit out by the pool.

Neda and Jon are laying on the backyard grass talking.
Neda says she hopes she wins HOH so that she can get a 2-6 of rum.

Big Brother puts them on a backyard lock down.

Jon is still with Neda and he tells her that she looks pretty.
Neda tells Jon that he talks really loudly in the diary room and people could hear him. She says that she started tapping her foot so that people couldn’t hear him. Jon says that’s f**ked up.
They talk about who they would nominate if they won HOH this week.
Neda says that Adel promised her that if she went up on the block he would take her off but says that he also promised Rachelle that too.
Jon says that its smart Adel saved himself for 2 weeks with that.
Neda agrees that Adel is smart. She talks about how she couldn’t win HOH this week but in two weeks she could.
Sarah joins them and Jon starts spooning her. He says you spoon like a BOSS!
Adel joins them.

They talk about being called out for farting, burping, grabbing their crotch and picking their noses.
Adel says he can’t believe Heather and Neda weren’t called out for one burp or fart.
Jon says no one even knows Neda is on the show.
Neda tells Jon to shut up. she comments that she snorted lines of sugar in grade 4.
Sarah says OMG! My kids are in grade four!

Rachelle, Sabrina and Sarah are talking about Heather.
They talk about how much junk food Heather eats and how its starting to show in her face.
Sabrina says go eat Nutella fingers. She adds and comments that Ika naming Heather creepzilla was so good.
Sarah says that she really wants to win HOH.
Rachelle asks Sarah who she would put up on the block adding two names Adel and Heather.
Sarah says yeah. She goes on and says that she wouldn’t put up Jon right away because I feel like I have some trust with him and she wouldn’t want to ruin that. Sabrina comments how she was shown picking her nose.
Sarah tells sabrina that she picks her nose alot of which she needs to stop. you pick.
Sabrina says she has a scab and wants to show it to them.
Sabrina comments how she looked big on the screen and asks if she really looks that big.
Sarah says you look how you look.

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