BBCAN2 Updates 9:50am To 3:20pm: Nomination Ceremony Results

kenny latest9:50am – 11:30am Big Brother blocks the live feeds. When the live feeds return, we learn that as Head of Household IKA nominated PAUL and HEATHER for eviction this week. Ika and Heather are in the HOH room. Heather says its great that you and I are able to compete in the POV. Lets just hope that no one uses it. Heather asks if Ika thinks the house would trust her more if she won it and didn’t use it. Ika says that she does think the house would trust you more if you didn’t use it. Hopefully Paul or Adel don’t win it. Big Brother switches the cams away from the HOH conversation.

12pm Sarah and Allison are sitting under the stairs looking at the area where the secret door is. Sarah comments on how it looks like it could open at the bottom but not at the top. Allison says interesting. Arlie comments to the other house guests that he had smokes in the back of his drawer and now their gone. No one seems to know where they would have gone.

They wonder if Kyle had taken them before he left to stir up sh*t. In the bathroom – Andrew tells Adel not to make any stupid moves! Adel says if I win it I will put it straight back in the box. Andrew says well I mean after that too. Andrew leaves. In the bedroom – Ika, Sabrina, Neda and Rachelle are talking. Rachelle comments on how she doesnt trust Heather or Allison. They think Heather might team up with Allison now because they’re both outcasts.

12:30pm – 12:45pm UP in the HOH room - Ika is talking to Paul. Ika tells Paul that if she wanted him gone she would have put him up against Adel. She tells him to keep playing the whole weak thing. Ika tells him that she wants to be able to trust him. IN the bedroom – All of the house guests except for Sarah, Adel, Paul and Ika are cleaning up to try and see if they can find the smokes that Arlie is missing. Neda says that supplements to help her lose weight are missing too.

Sarah talks to Adel in the bathroom if he took the smokes and he swears on his krohn he didn’t take them. Kenny says that Adel swore on his krohn before and he lied. Sabrina leaves and runs to tell Ika that she isn’t sure they can trust Adel. In the kitchen – Rachelle tells Ika that she thinks the new girl is taking their stuff and hiding it.

12:50pm Sabrina, Sarah and Kenny are talking outside the HOH room. Sabrina says as much as I hate Heather I want her to win the POV and take herself off.

In the bedroom – Andrew tells Allison if I come over there I know you’re not going to make out with me. I can call your bluff. Don’t tempt me because I will. Allison says on the third time I will. Andrew says I’m gay so its fine. It would be the first time I’d make out with a girl. I make out with dudes all the time. Allison asks what’s that like. Andrew says its hot. Allison says dude on dude. Meanwhile in the storage room – Kenny tells Jon that Ika has made an alliance with Adel.

Kenny says I was in the bathroom and they didn’t hear. Kenny says that Ika made a deal with him that if he didn’t go up she would be safe if he won HOH. Kenny and JOn leave the storage room. Jon asks Neda why Ika didn’t put up Adel. JOn asks if Ika made a deal with Adel. Neda says I don’t think she would be that stupid.

1pm Big Brother cuts the live feeds… 1:10pm When the live feeds return all of the house guests are on a bedroom lock down. They’re chatting about random things.

1:35pm – 2:10pm Big Brother ends the bedroom lockdown and Ika and Heather head up to the HOH room to nap in the HOH bed. In the main bedroom all of the house guests leave except for Andrew and Allison. Andrew goes in for a kiss and they start making out. Andrew tells her that she’s beautiful. Andrew asks her what she thought of everyone when she came into the house. She says that everyone was super good looking. Allison talks about how initially she was attracted to Kenny because he has the body type she likes. Andrew says he is a super good looking dude! I’d do him if I was a girl!

2:45pm In the Havenot room – Adel is talking to Paul. Adel tells Paul to not bring his name up to anyone! Adel says especially not to Ika! She’s the only one that trusts me right now. Adel tells Paul that Ika swore on her kids. Adel says do not mention my name or anything! Do not f**k me with my only alliance. I dont think she would back door me. Adel says if we are close in the POV you take it. I will take my chances. If I get back doored then that’s life.

Its so hard to f**king trust you! I am telling the biggest mouth in the house. Paul says I am telling you I am not going to say anything. I will never live this day down if one peep of this gets out and to Ika. Paul says ah I’m done, I’m done dude! Adel tells I don’t know why you’re even here. You’re so done in this game! People would rather spit in your food than give you some. No one wants anything to do with you. Look where everyone is out there and look where I am .. here with you. I know my only chance here in this game is with Ika. Adel says I am not worried about anything in this house but you dude! Paul says I swear on my wife and my marriage of 15 years. Adel says okay I believe you even more now. Let just hope we win the veto. If my name gets pulled do not even smile or anything.

2:50pm THe living room tv screens show the Power of Veto and all of the house guests scream and say its POV time! Big Brother then cuts the feeds. 3:10pm The live feeds come back on and all the house guests are in the bedroom. The must be on a bedroom lock down. Allison and Adel talk about Newfoundland and about how there are some weird names of streets there like dil*o.

3:20pm Big Brother cuts the feeds again ..

Source: And Written By Dawg Grimes

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