BBCAN evening updates: Ika tells Adel to really fight for the HOH. You or Paul need to win it.

saw4:15pm: Out in the hot tub room

Paul and Adel are talking. Paul says that winning the first HOH was such a curse. I should never have tried to touch Andrew for the first HOH. I should have gone after weaker players. Paul says I am just preparing myself to go. Paul says as much as I think Andrew is a butt head. Kenny is bigger threat. Adel agrees.

Paul starts asking Adel about what type of wedding he would want. Paul tells Adel about Chicken George and Evel Dick from the BBUS seasons. Paul says that this game is so much different playing it than it is watching it.

Adel tells Paul that he’s been through everything in this game.

Paul says I’ve done everything that I’ve wanted to do, except win it.

Adel says Canada really helped me a lot! I feel like I have an ace up my sleeve. Adel starts talking about his power and messes up what he will say to the guys. He says there will be an HOH but just remember I have this card if you put me up I’ll battle it out for the veto and if I win then I’ll buy myself another week.. if I don’t win then I’ll use this power to back door you and put you up on the block.

Paul stops Adel and says you can’t say that, they would never give you a power where you could over throw the HOH. Adel says oh yeah I forgot. Paul says they would know you don’t have the power.

Adel says I’ll say then that I will choose their main alliance and put them up.

Big Brother has put the house guests on a backyard lock down.

In the hammock  Neda, Rachelle, Allison and Sabrina are talking about random things like their pets. Andrew joins them and starts giving Sabrina a back massage.

4:45pm: While Andrew is massaging Sabrina,  Sarah asks them if on Thursday morning she should tell the girls that she is switching her vote to vote out Paul.

Sabrina and Andrew both think its a good idea.

Sarah says but then Ika will be mad at me which is worse than having Heather mad at me.

Andrew says well Ika will go next week any ways.

Andrew says that Ika isn’t that scary she’s just loud and can manipulate the other girls because they are intimidated by her.

Andrew starts digging his elbow into her back.

Sabrina says it hurts.

Sarah says oh it’s so big it hurts.

Andrew gets up and smacks her a$$ and leaves.

4:55pm:  Out in the hot tub room

Neda swears she’ll keep you. The only person is Sarah. The new girl is the deciding vote. I will talk to Sarah.

Paul says you’re doing this for your game not mine.

Ika says its good for you, its good for Adel. Ika tells Paul that she isn’t going to do the guys dirty work!

I need you here!

Paul says that he isn’t saying anything or talking to anyone.

Paul says you only want me here for your game not mine.

Paul tells Ika tells Paul that she needs him to fight. Ika leaves.

Paul says to himself now they’re playing dirty! Wow! I am not doing anything, I am not talking to anyone! WOW! Only Canada knows! \

5:15pm:  Big Brother temporarily ends the lock down. The house guests head inside to eat..

Meanwhile up in the HOH room   Ika, Sabrina and Neda are talking about the guys.

Sabrina tells them about how Andrew is treating her because she doesn’t want to vote out Paul.

Ika says if I knew the guys were going to be like that then I would have put them up. They all head downstairs.

Big Brother tells the house guests that the house is again off limits. Everyone heads back outside.

Ika joins Jon by the pool and talks to him about how Andrew is acting. Ika says that it’s disgusting how he’s acting. Ika talks to Jon about how she’s being told they should flush out Adel’s power like in survivor with the idol. Ika says

5:30pm:  All of the house guests are laying around the hammock.

Sabrina is asking Allison questions about different personality disorders.

Rachelle is answering questions too.

The other house guests are trying to sleep.

6:00pm:  Ika and Adel are talking alone by the pool. Adel tells her what he’s going to say and she helps tell him what to say. Ika tells him to tell them that you’ll swear you won’t use it on them.

Adel says I’ll say that if I am on the block then I’ll use it only on myself. If you put me up then I’ll smash it on your heads. Ika tells him to scare them.

Adel says that he can seriously mess up their game if they put him up. Adel tells Ika that when Paul came out of the diary room he didn’t believe I had it because they hinted at how it wasn’t real. Adel tells her how he flipped out on Paul and told him that he lied about what the power was to him. Adel says if Paul goes home this week then at least we still have that card.

Ika tells Adel to really fight for the HOH. You or Paul need to win it.

6:20pm: Big Brother ends the outdoor lock down.

All the house guests run inside hoping there’s something in there for them but realize there’s nothing. Ika, Rachelle and Sabrina head up to the HOH room. Ika talks to them about her conversation with Adel.

Sabrina tells Ika not to tell this to Sarah or Neda … just to see if he is testing you to see if you’ll tell people.

Jon and Adel join them. Jon and Adel are sitting on the couch and Adel says “Canada’s Veto!” Then after 30 seconds Jon asks what did you say? Adel laughs.

Neda says that was like 10 minutes later.

Jon looks at Adel and asks what is she talking about.

Adel leaves the HOH room.

Meanwhile in the bedroom, Sarah talks to Kenny about her plan:

6:25pm: Andrew sits down with Allison by the pool and talks to her about what’s going on in the house and breaks it down as he sees it. Andrew explains to her that its Allison’s decision to do whatever she wants. He tells her in my opinion you have a better chance at aligning yourself with us, than with them.

Allison says this is retarded, just think about how ridiculous this is for me right now.

Andrew starts explaining past events of the house and how things got to be the way they are now.

6:35pm:  Adel talks to Jon outside the HOH room.

Adel tells Jon that he messed up in the HOH room and mentioned Canada’s Veto to him. Adel tells him that he isn’t telling everyone.

Adel explains that he can use Canada’s Veto over the next two weeks to re-activate the veto after the veto ceremony and take people off the block and nominate two new people.

Jon tells Adel that he won’t tell anyone about it.

Adel says that he isn’t going to tell Ika, Sabrina, or anyone .. I could tell gonads but where would that get me.

Jon says no it wouldn’t get you anywhere.

Adel says that he was going to wait until after whoever won the HOH to tell them. Adel comments on how the guys have left him out of conversations and haven’t given me any information. If they want to make a big move then… I’ve got the biggest power move in my pocket. Adel says that he will never use it on anyone but myself. I would rather not use it and go back in after two weeks and hand it in. Adel tells Jon that his injury is a blessing.
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