Big brother canada houseguests prepare for the eviction ceremony

hr9:00AM to 12:00PM

Big Brother wakes up the house guests.


Neda, Ika and Adelthink thebigger are talking and comparing who they about who they think the bigger threat is.
Neda says that Andrew is the bigger threat than Kenny because he has more connections.
Adel and Ika think that Kenny is the bigger threat.
Ika says that Kenny has more connections.
Neda says Andrew controls Sabrina, New Girl, and Rachelle. She asks how much control t5hey think that Sabrina has over Rachelle she goeson and swears to them that andrew is a bigger threat.
Kenny is smarter but I think once you take out Andrew from that pack Kenny is going to lose his guts.
Ika says once Kenny is gone ..Arlie does not like Andrew.
Neda then says If Kenny is gone he is going to put up her and Jon.
Adel says if he win HOH, he3 will put up Kenny and Sarah.
Adel says I tell Andrew that if anyone wins POV and does anything … I will put up one of his two girl friends.



Rachelle tells the others that she has to wear the HOT DOG suit during the live eviction tonight. she is pissed off.
Kenny asks her if she can wear clothes on top of it. He tells her to add some scarf’s and a vest on it. Rachelle tries to dress up her hot dog and big brother tells her she can’t put a vest on it.
He laughs.

Jon walks into the bathroom and says he loves seeing girls transform into their face from their non-face! Get your face on Canada!!


Adel, Neda and Ika continue to talk about what the best strategy is for tonight if Neda or Adel win HOH.
Adel tells Neda that the boys from Newfoundland will not f**k each other over and says that they like are like this. Adel says that Jon won’t win anything.. he has a bunk shoulder and a bunk knee.
Neda says that she does not want it to be a double eviction and then she is fucked because I didn’t know what to do. She asks Adel if he would use his power.
Adel says he has niothing to lose or he loses it.
Neda asks him who he would put up.
Adel says he put up Kenny or Andrew.
Neda asks if they have votes.
Adel says 1 million percent.

KennyIS conversing with Andrew and they are talking who to put up on the block if they win.
Kenny says Adel and Allison.He goes on and says that Allison is still a big question mark.
Andrew says that’s fineand he does not care don’t care.
Kenny says if Adel has a power then he uses it and we flush it out and we get rid of Allison. If he doesn’t have a power then we get rid of him.
Adel heads down to the kitchen and makes his breakfast



Andrew talks to Sarah and Jon about the girls he misses from back home. He says that last night he couldn’t really sleep because he was up thinking about feeling bad about what he’s been doing with Allison and how they can see it. He asks Sarah if she thinks it will be okay since it’s just kissing and cuddling.
Sarah asks if they were open relationships.
Andrew says yeah.
Sarah says then its probably fine except for the fact that they have to watch it. It’s different if you don’t see it.

Big Brother tells Heather that if she does her 10,000 steps today before the live eviction then she can change out of it and wear regular clothes.

All of the house guests are getting ready for tonigh

Adel tells Jon and Neda that they are going to laugh when they see what he is going to do to be a havenot this week. (Adel plans to throw the havenot competition if he’s on a team with Andrew, Sabrina, Kenny, etc.)
Neda asks if he would do it with her on his team.
Adel says oh hell no.
Jon leaves.
Adel says he talked to Heather and she is 100% on board.
Neda says okay goodanmd she adds that she likes Heather. She goes on to say that The one thing she would want to go to the end with Heather because she could beat her. Neda tells Adel that if he makes it to the final two, he is going to win.



Allison, Andrew, Kenny, Sarah and Sabrina talk about how they don’t think this week will be a double eviction.
Andrew, Kenny and Arlie head into the kitchen. They comment on how they can hear Big Brother building things in the backyard for tonight’s competitions. They think they can hear a large air pump blowing something up.

Arlie talks about sponsoring a child for 0.99 a day.

Big Brother cuts the feeds.

The feeds return and Sarah is talking about how Kenny gives her looks but that they’re nothing like the look she saw him give Talla.
Andrew talks about how the oldest woman he slept with was 43 years old when he was 24 years old. He says that her son was a year younger than him. He said he was going to go hang out with him and she told him he wouldn’t let her son hang out with him.
Andrew says that he yelled asking what kind of logic is that because she had just slept with you.

The conversation turns to talking about random things and tattoos they’ll want to get.


Neda and Adel talk about how they trust each other.
Neda says it’s so hard to trust in this house.
Adel says not for him’s easy to see who’s being fake and who’s not.
Neda then says that she hates she has to be fake with some people..


Sabrina asks Sarah if she should make up with Ika before she goes.
Sarah says that Ika is the type of person that always tries for year after and says Jason always asks her why she puts herself through the rejection.
Sarah tells Sabrina to probably not to try and make up with Ika because she will probably not accept it.
Sabrina says okay and leaves.

Neda comes in and doesn’t notice Sarah and is shocked when she sees her laying on the freezer.
Andrew joins Sarah and she talks about think she can win HOH.
Sarah and Andrew talk about whether or not Adel is favored because he is always on the losing / underdog side?
Sarah says its possible because he is always with the person that we have shunned.
Andrew asks if its possible for Ika to be portrayed as something nice after what happened the other night.
Sarah says she doesn’t think so.
Kenny joins them.

They talk about Adel’s speech and how it was so heart felt.
Kenny says that he does not think don’t think they should worry about it until we get out and adds that he really does not care.Kennysays that his true friends and family know that him and that’s all that truly matters.
Sarah asks but don’t you care about your job and stuff.
Kenny says they can’t worry about that now.
Andrew asks how they would want them to fail yet they are the most unlikely crew.
Sarah says they are all so different.
Andrew adds that it is what makes them awesome then he farts.
Sarah says that they are going tohave to leave the room.
Andrew says that h thinks Canada will like them.
Kenny says viewers like alliances that stick together until the end and like the brigade. We have to stay strong.
Andrew says he thinks they have a good chance.
Andrew says if he is not liked… then that just means that he was right coming into this house. (He figured he would be the d*uche bag coming into the house.)
Sarah leaves the storage room.

Andrew & kenny are digging in the fridge. They blame something on Heather.
Andrew says she’s a f**king ret@rd.
They leave the storage room.

Andrew asks if there is someone still in the bathroom.
Is the devil (Ika) still in there?
Kenny says yeah.
Kenny tells Rachelle that he really thinks she should get a tattoo of a hot dog.

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