Donny replaced Joey as the first member of Team America and I can’t wait to see him carry out these tasks. Personally, I think Donny’s the man, he’s a kindhearted, fun-loving guy, and a perfect member for Team America.
Nicole and Christine invited Hayden into their alliance. I love this match-up and believe that as long as they remain a secret, these three could be a very powerful group.
Amber won HOH for the girls and Devin won HOH for the guys. This put the Bombsquad in full contrtol for the week. Devin has been thoroughly enjoying his reign as HOH and completely dictated how the nomination ceremony played out. Hayden and Nicole won this week’s Battle of the Block Competition leaving Paola and Brittany on the block and stripping Amber of her HOH. This solidifies the already strong relationship between Hayden and Nicole. Now they can spend more time developing a showmance rather than fighting for their safety.
Prior to the Battle of the Block competition, Devin asked Paola to purposely lose so that she would stay on the block with Brittany. Devin assured Paola that Brittany would go home, and he also promised her future safety. Paola surprisingly listened to Devin’s suggestion and threw the competition. Devin also decided to hold a house meeting to confess his lies and paranoia about Donny which upset the rest of his Bombsquad alliance. He made Frankie and Caleb look like they lied about their reasons for making their nominations, this type of erratic behavior will only continue to hurt his standing within The Bombsquad.
I think that Hayden, Nicole, and Derrick have set themselves up good for the long run. But things change fast in the Big Brother house so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
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