Big Brother Canada 3: Zach & Kevin Plan To Throw Next HoH Comp

A new Head of Household is set to be crowned tonight on Big Brother Canada 3, but it won’t be Zach Oleynik or Kevin Martin if they have anything to do with it.

can2According to a late night conversation between the two BBCAN3 HGs both Kevin and Zach plan to throw the next HoH comp. That might be easier said than done.

Remember last week Kevin won HoH, but the Instant Eviction ended his reign early and put him back on the eligible list. As far as his efforts to avoid that position, he ended up falling in to the win after Ashleigh incorrectly answered the last round of the comp. Oops.

Zach faces his own issue here after winning a luxury challenge earlier this week. He won $1000 and an advantage in the competition ahead of them tonight. Zach might know what that advantage is and just hasn’t told anyone or Big Brother is waiting to surprise it on him. Either way, Zach says he doesn’t want to win the power this week.

Both of these Houseguests are sitting pretty with their string of alliances and protection by the other HGs. Unless something goes wacky, and we all know that can happen a lot on Big Brother, I’d expect these two to be safe this week even if they successfully dodge a win tonight.

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