10:30am In the kitchen – Anick, Kenny, Andrew, Adel and Arlie are talking about people sending food back in restaurants. The talk about random things and about different diets. All of the house guests are waking up and getting ready for the day. Meanwhile in the bedroom Sarah, Ika, Sabrina, Rachelle, Neda and Kenny talk about how this experience will bond them together for life. Neda tells Sarah, Ika and Sabrina that they should name their alliance. She says we should call ourselves “The Stupids”.
11am ON the living room tv screens the house guests notice the Live Eviction Today displayed. They then see something else on the screen and comment on how they could see Paul talking without audio. They comment on how Big Brother f**ked up and then the camera turns away.
11:20am Rachelle and Sabrina head up to the HOH room to help Paul pack up his things to move out of the head of household room. Rachelle and Sabrina leave and Paul practices his motivational speech.
11:35am Sabrina talks to Anick about how she doesn’t want to have any hard feelings with her and that anything can still happen before the eviction. She tells Anick that she came on too strong and felt like she was trying to one up her in conversations. Sabrina says that now she sees that she doesn’t do that and how she likes Anick.
11:50am – 12pm In the kitchen Kyle and Arlie are talking about needing to win HOH. Arlie leaves and Jon joins Kyle in the kitchen. Jon tells Kyle to tell him which way to vote and he will vote that way. Kyle mentions that he doesn’t trust Rachelle because he just haven’t talked to her and can’t relate to her. Kyle says that like he tells Andrew, don’t get paranoid, we need to trust each other.
12:30pm Big Brother switched the feeds to the “Hush Hush” screen.
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