Last night on Big Brother Canada we found out who was voted out and sent home in the first house vote of the BBCAN2 season. The show started at 9PM ET on Slice and this's the recap of the whole thing right here.
Arisa opened the show and said it’s a live eviction, it’s wasn't. This was filmed earlier just like they did last year. Time to get official results on a lot of what we’ve discovered already.
Big Brother Canada 2 Week 1 Nominations:
- Andrew
- Anick
The Power of Veto competition is a superhero themed comp. The three extra players along with HoH & the noms were Adel, Sabrina, and Kyle. They had to break through three barriers to get to the button and win the Veto.
Big Brother Canada 2 Week 1 Power of Veto:
- Andrew won PoV & will definitely save himself
If Andrew was to save himself, Paul had to name a replacement nominee (renom).
Big Brother Canada 2 Week 1 Final Nominations:
- Anick
- Ika
One of these two had to go home
Arisa gives more details on the winner’s prize. $100K, $25K in gift certs at The Brick, & a trip to anywhere in the world. That’s a nice bonus on top of the cash!.
Who Was Voted Off Big Brother Canada last night:
- Kyle voted to evict Anick
- Heather voted to evict Anick
- Andrew voted to evict Anick
- Arlie voted to evict Anick
- Jon voted to evict Anick
- Kenny voted to evict Anick
- That’s it. Anick was evicted.
- Sarah voted to evict Anick
- Sabrina voted to evict Anick
- Neda voted to evict Anick
- Rachelle voted to evict Anick
- Adel voted to evict Anick
By a vote of 11-0, Anick was evicted from Big Brother Canada 2.
Before we went to the next HoH competition Arisa brought out the three wildcard potential HGs. Scott/Contess, Nate, and Allison came out and learnt they were going to be secret HGs living together in one room. We also found out that while the core HGs wouldn't know they’re there these HGs will be able to spy on the core HGs.
The secret HGs were escorted to their war room. This was really cool. They were provided with three beds in there. Bobble heads represent all the HGs and they have a big blue center table with a layout of the house. Oh gosh they have to be trapped in there for seven days. That’s awful.
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