'Big Brother Canada' evictee Christine: 'I'm not rooting for anybody'

Mean Bean Christine doesn't have any love for her fellow Big Brother Canada contestants after being sent home this week

Just because Mean Bean Christine was evicted from the Big Brother Canada house, doesn’t mean the 47-year-old housekeeper from Vancouver is even close to finished with her unfiltered commentary of the game. When Christine Kelsey became the third houseguest sent packing from the BBCAN Grand on Thursday night, following a five to six vote and a week of sheepish gameplay from Head of Household Loveita Adams and Power of Veto winner Dallas Cormier, the season’s “mother figure” let her honest opinions fly – especially about one player in particular.

“I got caught in the crossfire of Loveita’s idiocy,” Christine stated bluntly to Postmedia Network, following her eviction this week. “There’s no respect for Loveita in this game at all. As soon as she can go out, she will.”

Clearly objecting to how things went down on week three, Christine was obviously bothered by Loveita’s nominations, once the reigning HoH cut a deal with her rivals in the game – Kelsey Faith, Jared Kesler and Raul Manriquez – choosing to put floaters Christine and Cassandra Shahinfar up on the block instead.

“I was tense, because it just seemed like such a wimpy move. There were so many moves she could have made and she didn’t make them. Like everybody else in the house, nobody’s making any big moves and all the little players are leaving. It’s silly,” Christine said.

“I gather that she was just playing it safe. She made bad moves the week before and so she was trying to suck up to Jared and Kelsey, because her alliance had been defeated.”

The divided house was shocked at Loveita’s decision, prompting Dallas to promise that if he snagged the PoV win, he would take Christine off the block so a major player could be back-doored. But following the frantic competition – that ended with an injury for Christine and a win for Dallas – the redheaded welder from the East Coast went back on his word and the nominations remained the same.

“I fell from basically three quarters from the way up of that wall, straight down with no stopping. It was quite the fall and I landed right on my tailbone,” she said of the PoV competition. Although still sore, Christine wasn’t too badly injured, and she was left to campaign for her spot in the competition.

She may not have been Loveita’s target in the house, but the blunt houseguest knew that Cassandra had support from the majority alliance of Kelsey, Jared and Raul, which could easily flip the votes, forcing Christine out the door on eviction night. And that’s precisely what happened when Christine’s lack of campaigning and motivation to make alliances ended her BBCAN4 experience only three weeks in.

“I was most interested in working with myself. That was my goal, to be with people but not be with people,” she said of her unsuccessful strategy.

And heading forward, Mean Bean Christine is sticking to that philosophy.

“I’m not rooting for anybody. I’m going to watch it with an open mind as if I wasn’t even there. But I know a little bit more than everybody else. That’s all.”

Big Brother Canada airs Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on Global.
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