‘Big Brother Canada 4’: Dallas fights; Philippe, Tim talk Mitch; Nikki gets upset

We’re not sure that there has been an overwhelming story arc to “Big Brother Canada 4” today when it comes to the live feeds, but there have been a few isolated moments (beyond the partying and some of the silliness that we’ve seen) that are worthy of some more attention.

Dallas keeps campaigning – We do understand why some are coming around to him. He plays hard, he’s fiercely loyal, and it’s a very different energy than you get anywhere else in the house. He is still doing what he can to try to stay and doesn’t seem to be taking too much of it personally. While we think there are some reasons to keep him over Maddy, especially in that he’s far more predictable, he may need to start playing at those more. Right now, the brothers could be one of the votes he struggles to get as they get closer to Tim.

Targeting Mitch – Speaking of which, Phil made it clear to Tim this evening that he’d have no problem putting him up on the block, at least as a replacement nominee. It’s interesting really that Mitch hasn’t done a single thing that we’d say is 100% wrong this season, but there have still been people targeting him as of late. That’s in part because of people like Tim who are strong players and can identify his game. Phil’s not perfect, but we do think that he has some smarts about him, as well.

Nikki gets upset – Yes, this did happen again, and apparently at one point she tried to wander out through an exit again earlier. We don’t think she has a chance of winning at all right now, and we’re mostly just wondering if one of her claims about wanting to leave will ever actually lead to anything.

Credits: cartermatt.com
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