Big Brother Canada 4 (Round #2 Review - All you need to know)

It’s the second week in the Big Brother Canada house, and the game is already seeing a shift in power; it’s full-on Game of Thrones-style. The wildcards have arrived, but their first week won’t be a quiet one. There’s a new feeling in the air – it’s the feeling of revenge. And someone is about to get justice.

The two new houseguests, Nikki from Big Brother U.K. and Tim from Big Brother Australia, have joined the game after last week’s blindside. Everyone is all smiles and excitement (it’s something the houseguests would expect after a big twist like this), but the drama isn’t taking a break with these two new faces around. If Round 2 was summed in a chapter in a novel, “An Eye for an Eye” would be the perfect title.
Here’s a quick look of what went down in the Big Brother Canada 4 house during Round #2:
Round 2
  • Nikki and Tim walk through the Big Brother Canada doors and join the game as full houseguests. Tim is excited and enjoying the new space while Nikki is feeling overwhelmed. They don’t need to worry too much – both will get immunity for the entire week and will not need to compete or be nominated for eviction.
  • The others are shocked to see their new roommates, but they’re still worried about the game. Christine has a sour look on her face and most of the houseguests want Tim to be evicted as soon as possible. Loveita can’t hide her surprise after Paige was sent out the door instead of Kelsey. She thinks she could be the next target.
  • During the Head of Household (HOH) competition “Big Brother Roast,” the houseguests had to guess which insult submitted by the public was attributed to which houseguest. If they buzzed in and got it correct, they could eliminate someone from the challenge. But if they’re wrong, they’re knocked out. Kelsey moves into an early lead eliminating her enemies like Maddy, Sharry and Ramsey, but she messes up and is out. In the end, Jared and Joel are left remaining at the final competition. Jared buzzes in first and is correct – he is the second HOH of the season.
  • With Jared as HOH (he is Kelsey’s current flirtmance), Sharry and Loveita think it might be a good idea to repair the bridges from the first week. They apologize for targeting Kelsey but she isn’t having any of it. She knows their chat/apology is out of desperation and she’s upset that they wanted to target her for eviction without any real reason. She walks away in frustration and leaves the two friends stewing in fear.
  • For the Have-Not competition (a challenge where the houseguests compete to win food and luxury), the players split into three teams and must throw paint balloons at food names. The team with the least hits will be Have-Nots for the week. After spinning their teammates around and splattering paint everywhere, the Silver team of Joel, Sharry, Cassandra and Loveita lose the challenge and they’re the Have-Nots for the week. They will be forced to eat slop and sleep in a tiny room, which has been decorated to look like a Vegas wedding chapel.
  • Jared (with input from Kelsey and Raul) keep nominations simple: Loveita and Sharry. It’s retribution after the pair tried to evict Kelsey in the previous week. However, a new name joins the discussion. Dallas admits to being the mysterious fourth vote in evicting Kelsey. He keeps the vote a secret until the others force him to admit the truth; Jared/Kelsey lose trust in him and consider him to be a replacement nominee if the time ever comes.
  • Sharry and Loveita both have different opinions about being nominated. Sharry is upset; she feels that she’s being nominated due to her friendship with Loveita, but she’ll keep her campaigning civil and calm. Loveita, on the other hand, is done. She openly admits to not wanting to be in the game anymore and offers to keep Sharry around. This tactic is an emotional one – houseguests complain about wanting to leave yet only a few of them ever truly throw the game to leave. Loveita could be all talk and no action.
  • The Power of Veto (POV) competition, “Flip It To Win,” will have Sharry, Loveita, Jared, Christine, Mitchell and Phil compete for the chance to maybe save someone from the block. In the challenge, the houseguests must search through a furniture showroom set from The Brick to find one of three keys that unlock a buzzer. The first three to buzz in will move to the next round. Everyone moves through a mad panic to find the keys, but Christine, Loveita and Mitchell are the first three to buzz in.
  • In the second round of the POV, the three remaining contestants must find the answers to several questions in the showroom. The first person to get five right will win the POV. The game comes down to a close race between Loveita and Christine but in a lucky move, Christine buzzes in first and wins the POV. She walks away with the POV and a bonus prize of $10,000!
  • Even after some last minute campaigning by Sharry and Loveita, Christine decides not to use the veto. The desperation starts to kick in and Loveita contemplates staying in the game. She overhears some people might be voting her out, so it inspires her to start campaigning. She reveals to a few houseguests that Sharry (her best-friend) is close friends with those in power and it would be bad for the house to keep her around.
  • The campaign might have worked. During eviction night, Sharry is evicted by a vote of 11-1! Tim and Nikki were granted the power to vote during the eviction.
  • The HOH competition, “Big Brother Breakaway,” saw houseguests roll a ball across a hockey rink into a number. The houseguest who gets the highest number will be the next HOH. In a surprise comeback, Loveita scores the highest number and wins safety for the week.
  • The beauty of Big Brother is the constant shifts of power. One week a houseguest could be ruling the world and controlling everyone but in the next week, they could be the one heading out the door. Loveita nearly saw her dreams go up in flames based on her reckless gameplay in the first week. However, it was her ally Sharry who got the boot.
    Sharry is equally at fault for her moves that got her evicted. She is a social and physical threat who could have potentially won the game and people realized this. Instead of campaigning and making deals, she took the high road and kept things civil while Loveita jumped back into the game to campaign. Her reasoning worked out and Sharry had no chance – it was too late to do anything to turn the tide. After Paige’s eviction in the first week due to lack of campaigning, Sharry’s eviction will set the standard for houseguests to come. If you want to stay, ALWAYS campaign and build relationships before it’s too late.
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