Because this is the final week of Big Brother Canada 2 this is probably the last time you will here from Rays, Lostie amd I. We have enjoyed keeping you up to date, we have really enjoyed BBCAN2. There is no doubt Big Brother Canada has done a great job of keeping us entertained.
Jon will take himself off and EVICT Heather
Jon's told Heather he's keeping Neda. Heather is all packed up and ready to leave. Giving personal items to fellow HG's. Told Sabrina there is no way Jon is changing his mind. Neda sitting in bed sipping tea - not packing.
Punishments from the veto:
- JON is on slop and can’t shower till he leaves.
- Neda has to wear the dress costume till she leaves.
- Heather chose not take the punishment of a squirrel costume.
Jon has said he is talking Neda to F2...BUT...Neda told Heather that she is talking Sabrina to F2....IDK why Heather doesnt tell Jon this before she leaves?
Jon & Neda F2 will be Close...maybe 4-3 either way...there's no way Sabrina is making the F2...
Final HOH Comp:
Part 1 Endurance......Neda
Part 2 Physical..........Jon
Part 3 Mental............Jon...takes Neda to F2...and Loses, lol..
If Neda took anything from her little pow wow with Jillian and was not to take Jon to the end. If Jon is final 2 with Neda Jon will win. I think he would get Adel, Arlie, Allison for sure. Neda never talked game to Arlie, Adel is his boy, Allison was never close to Neda socially, same with Rachelle. Plus, if Allison is bitter she won't vote for Neda. Canada would pick Jon over Neda.
If Neda takes Sabrina, or vise versa, I don't see her winning either. Neda again had no social game with Arlie, but he was in the 1st 5 alliance with Sabrina he knows what Sabrina did for the 1st 5. Also, Neda did nothing the 1st half of the games. Social and game buddies Rachelle and Alison, would lock their vote for Sabrina. Heather will vote for Neda, if Neda takes out Jon I think he will be bitter and vote for Sabrina. Adel has no love for either of them personally he will vote for Neda, game wise, he could very well vote Sabrina. Canada I can see can go for the under dog and vote for Sabrina.
Sabrina has had a damn good game. What she did for the 1 st 5, 6 times on the block, got herself to the Final 3 by winning HOH, highy underestimate this whole game. I don't think she would win against Jon...sloppy seconds and Arlie and Canada would see to that.
Jon vs Neda I'd vote for Jon.
Sabrina vs Neda I'd vote for Sabrina.
Jon vs Sabrina I'd vote for Jon.
I really don't care for Neda's games. Heather could tell Jon what Neda said about not taking him to the end, but at this point it doesn't matter because Heather is a bigger threat compared to Neda.
I won't rule out Sabrina winning the 1st or 2nd part of HOH...I wish we could watch the whole first part HOH of the endurance comp on the feeds.
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