Andrew said : I cannot stand the other players in the game, I can’t even be nice to them anymore.
Jon then went to Andrew and encouraged him not to roll over and die. Jon said that he could not use the veto on him because someone like Neda may have went up. He also said that he believes that Canada will continue to have a lot of power, so it would not be wise to go against their decision. Andrew says I won’t campaign against Sabrina -“I genuinely love Sabrina.”Allison said : – “I respect you so much for that decision”
Jon said : You get votes and if the house is split I’ll vote to keep you 100%. – I can get Nedas vote too so you would need one more vote cause you already have Kenny and Allison. ,.They discussed that Heather is probably the best bet for a potential 5th vote.Do not roll over and die because of the way you feel about Sabrina.Andrew said that he appreciates what Jon is doing but he’s not sure what to do.
Andrew and Allison were wondering what Jon’s true motives were, even though he explained that it’s best for his game to keep Andrew since Sabrina would turn on him in a second. Allison told Andrew that she is in a tough spot since Andrew is her no .1 but Sabrina is her no.2. Allison told him that she cannot actively campaign for him because it would screw her game with Sabrina .
Jon went to Arlie and told him that he better not turn on him in this game. Jon said that what they have could be epic.Arlie said that if he was going to turn on Jon he wouldn’t be taking out Andrew this week. Arlie said that there is nothing that the other side will be able to do next week, as Kenny, Sabrina or Rachelle will be going home. Arlie said that it’s he and Jon and that they need to make Sarah feel comfortable with them . Arlie then asked Jon what he was talking to Andrew about. Jon then revealed the details of his conversation .
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Jon gives Andrew hope to stay in the house and campgain against Sabrina.
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