Big Brother Canada Live Feeds Will Be Free Again

Big-Brother-Canada-Arisa-CoxThis JUST IN! Big Brother Canada just announced via Facebook that the Big Brother Canada Season 2 Live Feeds will again be available, and completely free! Great news for us Canadians! We can keep ourselves up for days at a time watching strangers do completely everyday things, and talk shit about each other while we make fun of them on Twitter! SUCCESS!

On the downside still no word on whether or not our American friends will be able to watch the show on TV, or will have access to feeds. On an unrelated topic you can use services like the one below ( to generally get around country restrictions of any website you want to access, and it's super reasonably priced, I used it for the first month of CBS feeds for BB15, and for US Netflix. I'm not saying use it for BBCAN to break the rules, cause that's a no no, I'm just saying it works to get around restrictions, and it has an awesome name.

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