Big Brother Canada 4 Cast Reveal Coming Soon

Gary was a finalist on one of the previous seasons

The Big Brother Canada 4 cast reveal is just around the corner as the 2016 season prepares for the premiere next month in its return to Global for the fourth installment of their franchise.

With the new season of BBCAN4 starting on March 2, 2016 we’re just days away from meeting the new cast of Big Brother and seeing inside the expected all new design for their home. Big Brother casting director Robyn Kass teased on Twitter that yes, the list of Houseguests is about to be revealed.

Of course Kass knows who will be in the cast. She helped pick them! So while she knows who’s in the mix we won’t hear until Global is ready to make the news public. Once that happens we’ll have names, photos, bios, and all their information ready to share in the lead up to the season premiere.

Meanwhile, the Big Brother Canada 4 cast members are likely being brought in to sequester if not already. During BBUS they’re flown in about a week before entering the game and that is probably what’s happening for BBCAN as well. The HGs will spend a few days in sequester then head on in for a taped premiere like we’ve seen in the past. Live Feeds will kick off after the premiere.

So far we’ve seen rumors of international cast members and perhaps some sort of coaches role like we saw in BB14. Not enough information to confirm yet though so we’ll just have to wait a few more days.

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