With the Big Brother 17 finale looming, the highlight of ET Canada's coverage was getting to pick the brain of the Chenbot herself. ET Canada was invited with two other outlets to sit down with her -- and boy, does she have a lot to say!
First of all, she thinks Vanessa deserves to win. She has been the puppet master all season even rivaling Dr. Will from season 2. But Julie also had some insights about why Vanessa is not taking ownership of all her evil doing and stabbing people in the back. Julie says women want to be liked. She thinks fans would root for Vanessa more if she owned her deeds rather than crying about them.
Julie thinks Vanessa will have a tough time if she is against Steve in the Final Two. Steve has played his own game and not made enemies. It will come down to the finale speeches.
Julie does not think Liz stands a chance to win. She has a theory that the women in the jury may think of Liz as similar to the popular girl from high school so they will not want her to win.
Julie is candid about Austin's ponytail beard: "It's dreadful." She was trying not to look at it during the eviction interview! Too distracting!
She would also never let dentist Johnny Mac near her teeth. "He may be a good dentist but I'm not going to find out!" She does think Johnny Mac will be voted BB fan fave.
Her favourite showmance from all the years of BB? She is partial to Brenchel.
And now there's going to be a baby Brenchel as announced on the show Tuesday, she would be willing to be godmother--depending upon the duties. "I am the Fairy Godmother to the house guests and all of their future children."
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